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3rd Person
The problem about dating as a hero is you're never guaranteed tomorrow. You're not guaranteed a kiss, hug, a hand to hold. You're not guaranteed to ever see your special someone again.

The same goes for villains.

The burnt corpses have just started to decompose, maggots fill they're organs as flys eat from them. There have been some people who have stumbled upon the bodies, however they're so charred, it's hard to tell the difference between them and trash bags. The person who did this, our antagonist for the moment, flips the bodies in ways they look like trash bags.

The villain exits out of the alley, waiting for the hero to arrive. Thankfully for him, said hero arrives soon after. The Chemical Hero: Xenikal, turns the corner quickly. He runs right into the chest of the burnt villain. "Oh, DABI!" He announces, backing up. "I expected you to be further up the ally!" Dabi scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"You just need to give me the updates," he begins. "Give me the usual updates." The hero nods, excitedly. "Right! Your brother is doing fine, he's got a friend now." Dabi nods, smiling slightly. "And Roy??" The hero pulls out his phone, "She's still a hero. Handed me this note earlier." Pulling out the note, Dabi takes it.

"Hello touya!
Everyone here at u.a. is quite warm and Touchably lovable! the pRincIpal, nEzu, was quite a Different being when i firsT met him. aizawa is the same, brOught to find and train students to become amazingly quicK heroes! I miss you quite a lot, ive been keeping an eye on your brother and Lowered his distrust in other peopLe. i trust that you will give the traitor what he wants, i have recently found out that his Mind and hEart has fallen for someone.
talk to you later,
roy rin"

Dabi looks over the letter again, reading the secret from the letter. Dabi sighs, "Okay.. Continue to keep an eye on Roy and Shoto. However," he begins, pulling out a photo. "Follow him as well now. Make sure he doesn't hurt anyone else." Taking the picture, Xenikal looks at the feathered person. "Hawks?! What's he gotta do with any of this??" Dabi sighs, "Look, I know heroes from your class work with and/or for him, like Clockwise works for Fatgum. Just get someone on the inside to help."

Xenikal nods, turning to leave before Dabi adds one more thing. "Make sure the 'traitor' knows to hang low for right now." Dabi sighs, looking toward the burnt corpses, "I got his message and completely understand. If he doesn't wanna give information anymore, that's fine. I'll protect him."

Xenikal leaves finally. Dabi's eyes grow wet.

Dabi then turns

and leaves.

Kirishima's POV
"AH! Come on Bakugou!! We can eat lunch the entire group today!" I start, beggingly. Bakugou is being stubborn, he has stated he doesn't wanna eat with the others and wants us to come back to the dorm to eat lunch together. I haven't eaten lunch with the group in what feels like forever.

"But I made Bento Boxes for me and your dumbass! Besides, their better cold!" I stop, before laughing. "We can ask Todoroki to cool them down! Besides, I also have a cooler. We can eat them at the cafeteria." Bakugou sighs, defeated.

1 Kirishima- 0 Bakugou

We walk to class together, Bakugou grabs my hand periodically. Nothing sparked from our confessions to each other, we both agreed that we should figure things out. Besides, I kinda don't wanna die.

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