Epilogue (14)

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Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook is standing infront of Mr. Shankar again.

They're shock and didn't know what to say or do.

Jin almost fainted after hearing what Mr. Shankar told.

Taehyung and Jimin is giving him water and taking care of him.

Mr. Shankar is also crying.

Like he just let out his all hidden pain.

Our boy's understand whatever happend in past the old man also suffered.

He also deserves happiness and moreover peace.

The 55 year's old ex.principal of 'Home' is  standing at his house's living room.

Her daughter's picture is hanging in the wall behind him.


Few Hours ago:

Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook are now doing their math class.

Well Jungkook and Yoongi basically.

For their final exams maths are 10% important for all streams student's.

So yeah.

And like always namjoon is eating chips.

The class is about to finish.

More 10 minutes left, it's also their last period.

Today Hoseok's classes are off.

He is bussy today.

It's already three months that Mr. Shankar take his retirement from the position of 'Home's Principal.

Hosoek take over his position and became the principal of 'Home'.

'Home' is changed.

Our new principal Hoseok changes few rules and regulations, ofcourse he took Mr. Shankar's permission.

He strictly maintain the rule of study hard. Students still have to study like before.

But the exception is he reduced 8 periods to 7 and student's can go out at every Sunday.

But they've to come back before 10.

Jungkook is continuing his part-time job. Hoseok let him.

And also he continued his own music classes.

Students love's to take his classes.

So yeah, 'Home' is changed for good.

Hoseok didn't forget the old traditions. He is still carrying those with him and started a new legacy.

Yes girl's are still not allowed at 'Home', you know they're good distraction.


"Jeon Jungkook, Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi".

A clerk came and call their names.

Their math professor Mr. Gomez stop writing.

Three of them stand up from their seats.

"What happened Mr. Oh?", Their teacher Mr. Gomez asked to the clerk.

"Principal called them", Mr. Oh replied.

"Mr. Jung. Why? What happened?", Mr. Gomez asked.

"Not Mr. Jung but Mr. Shankar. He sent a message to visit his house once as soon as possible", Mr. Oh speaks.

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