Birthday & A Promising Challange (7)

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After a while jungkook again came to taehyung's house.

Both are cooking together like old times.

It's 7 at the evening.

Jungkook didn't want to but he miss him.

Hosoek, namjoon and yoongi also encourage him to go there.

So here he is at taehyung's house.

"I don't believe this gukie can't you find yourself a decent job for yourself?".

Taehyung speaks while he is pouring the kimchi.

Because both he and jungkook love to eat porella kimchi.

"Tae who is going to give a student a full time job here? And eomma says no work is big or small as long as you do it with all your heart", jungkook reply while adding salt on chicken bulggogi.

(I wanna try it too😋)

"Okay, okay, stop giving me lecture", taehyung speaks while take the bowl and went towards the dinner table.

Jungkook follows taehyung while he take a packet of chips.

"I can't see uncle, where is he?", Jungkook ask while sit on the chair.

Taehyung put the bowl carefully on the table.

Didn't want to drop their main course.

"Don't ask me about it", taehyung replies while rolling his eyes.

"Why! What happened?", Jungkook asks.

"For the past three hours he lock himself in his room and opening all the old bags. And when i'm asking the reason he is not answering", taehyung spats and rolling the black paper on the dish.

Jungkook starts eating the chips.

He knows till taehyung didn't finish the cooking they've to wait.

They've to make two more dishes.

And it will take more than an hour.

Suddenly Mr. Kim came outside wearing a red colour old suit.

He grabbed taehyung's hand and start dancing.

"Papa what are you doing?", Taehyung asked while dancing with his father.

He is shocked.

"I'm dancing my love. I'm dancing", Mr. Kim replies dreamily while spinning taehyung.

"I can see that but why are you wearing this pre-historic costume", taehyung ask while jungkook is sitting on the chair and eating chips.

He is enjoying the drama.

"I'm going for a date with Jenny", Mr. Kim speaks.

"Jenny aunty is going out with you?", taehyung asks with a sly smirk on his face.

Mr. Kim stop dancing with his father.

"Yes sir after six months of wooing she has finally agreed to go out with me", Mr. Kim replied.

That's why he is looking so happy.

"But you never wear a suit so why today?", Taehyung ask while judging his father.

"You see love Jenny likes classy gentlemen. Thats why I thought I'll try the suit. How am I looking?", Mr. Kim asked with his hopeful eyes.

"You are not looking good at all, You should have to remove it", taehyung replies.

"What! What are you saying? This was your mothers favorite suit wasn't it, tell me?", Mr. Kim asked.

It's unbelievable for him that his son is not supporting him.

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