chapter four

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once lily had finished school, she texted her parents that she was going to a friends house, and then made the walk to julie's.

when she arrived, she walked up to the front door and knocked, waiting for a reply. then she started freaking out over whether she had the right house or not.

"hi," lily said as the door opened, "is julie home yet? i'm lily, a friend from school."

"hi lily, julie is in the garage if you want to go see her, i'm ray, her father." ray molina said to the girl.

"nice to meet you," lily said, before making the walk down to the garage. she faintly heard julie talking, so she knocked on the studio doors before opening the door.

"hi, sorry. i'm not interrupting anything am i?" lily said as she walked into the studio and closed the door behind her. not that lily could see it, but reggie's face instantly brightened when she walked into the studio. luke's did too, but he would never admit it.

"lily, hi," julie said to the girl with a smile on her face. "no, you're not interrupting anything."

"i didn't know what time to come over as you didn't specify a certain time, you just said to come after school, so i was kind of overthinking it the whole day until i just came over before i could find away to talk myself out of it an- i'm talking to much aren't i?" lily stopped her rambling when she saw julie with an amused smile on her face.

"that's ok. so, i'm guessing you want the whole explanation huh?" julie said, smiling over at lily.

lily nodded her head at the girl with a smile, "please."

julie led the girl over to the couch and they both sat down. julie saw the guys sit on the coffee table next to them and smiled slightly.

"ok, so there's not really a big explanation needed. basically, i came out here the other night to clean out the studio when i saw a sunset curve cd. because i had never heard of sunset curve before-"

"ouch," reggie said, hand over his heart making julie smile.

"how had you never heard of them before! they were amazing." lily interrupted, unknowingly at the same time as her brother, making both him and luke smile at what she said.

"i don't know, i just hadn't," julie smiled at lily, before continuing. "because i hadn't heard of them before, i got curious and played the cd. after like 5 seconds of playing it, muffled screaming was heard and the guys just appeared. i don't know how, or why, but they just did." julie explained to lily.

"that's weird. like i said earlier, i've played their cd a million times and i've never seen them." lily mumbled sadly. "i'm happy for you, though. i'm guessing they're the reason you sang again?"

lily saw julie glance over at the table and smile slightly. "partly. i guess i just realised that music was what my mom and i did together, so i should remember her by playing. just like i know she'd want me to do." julie said. she then furrowed her eyebrows as she had an idea.

"ok, this might be crazy and it might not work, but i have an idea." julie got up and grabbed the sunset curve cd, then turned back around the face lily. "what if i play this cd again, but this time with you in the room? i don't know if it will work, but you might be able to see them. maybe you just needed to play it with me?" she suggested.

lily just shrugged her shoulders. "go for it, i don't think it will work though, but there's no harm in trying," she said sadly.

julie walked over to the cd player and put the disc in, pressing play. as the rock music filled the room, lily looked down. she wanted this to work so badly, but she didn't know of it would.

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