chapter one

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nothing in lily amelia peters life has been easy.

having a good relationship with her parents was hard, as they were always fighting. getting into the music program at school was hard as there are so many talented students and only so many spots. making friends was hard, as she was antisocial. everything was hard.

the only thing that was easy to her was music. it was the one thing in her life that had always been constant. from a very young age, she would be found dancing around to whatever song would play on the tv, and putting on talent shows for her parents.

you see, her parents didn't always use to fight. they had a son (lily's older brother) who died long before she was born. his death, surprisingly, brought the two closer together as they grieved him. they found themselves falling in love all over again, leaning on one another, and fixing their cracked hearts that their son's death brought them.

they eventually had another kid, and swore that they wouldn't let anything happen to her, they couldn't bare to loose another child. and lily can say that she had a happy childhood. she did everything with her parents, she loved them unconditionally.

but that love started to falter when she found a bunch of her brothers old things in the attic. when she asked her parents who the boy was in all the photos, they told her about her brother.

talking about him seemed to make her parents realise how much they missed him, and started blaming eachother for his death. they started arguing almost everyday, always about different things.

from the moment they told her about him, lily loved him. and knowing that he was basically a rockstar made her want to be just like him.

he turned out to be her biggest inspiration.

for birthdays and christmases, all she asked for was instruments. guitars, drums, keyboards. she wanted to play them all. she was slightly disappointed that she couldn't figure out how to play bass like her big brother, but turns out she's pretty sick on the drums and rhythm guitar.

at 15 she joined a band, but that was only meant to be a temporary thing. it was a band called 'pink petals', and it was a band formed by 3 junior girls. they needed someone for drums, and when they heard lily playing drums on her lunch break, they asked if she wanted to join the band and she immediately said yes.

skipping forward a year, the band got pretty popular, but the attention usually wasn't on her as she was younger than the other girls, but she didn't mind. she liked it that way. they would play at every school dance, and sometimes some pretty popular hangout spots on weekends.

but because the girls were now seniors, they were graduating. music to them was just a fun hobby, something to pass the time. but to lily, it was everything. they were all stepping down from the band so that they could concentrate on graduating and getting into their dream colleges. of course, lily understood and was happy for them, but she was sad that she wouldn't be able to play music with them anymore.

music was an escape for her. it was so much easier to play at school, or in hangout spots than it was at her house because when she played at home, it was to drown out the yelling coming from her parents.

lily managed to convince the senior members of pink petals to play one last time, at the pep rally. one last 'shebang', she called it. the girls agreed, figuring then would be a good time to tell everyone that the band would be no more after that performance.

the girls knew how much the band meant to lily, and felt bad about breaking it up, so they let her choose what song they would perform at the pep rally. and lily loved that. she had the perfect idea on what song to perform.

flower - luke patterson <3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin