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Marinette has been in China for a month and she's never felt more at home.

Her father really kept his promise about doing whatever he could to make up for the lost time. Marin also spent lots of time with her whether they were training or just hanging out.

She also adapted to her powers pretty quickly. Then again, she was said to be a born prodigy. She has patrolled with Marin thrice and has only stopped crime once. She was liking this new life more than she thought.

"Alright you two, the session is over, you may go for your break," Lei, Marinette and Marin's tutor told them.

They closed their nooks and left the study room and made their way to the dining hall for their lunch.

"I never thought I would experience homeschooling. One of my old friends was and it sounded horrible," said Marinette.

"Really?" Asked Marin.

Marinette nodded, "yeah, well then again, I'm not alone so it's not bad,"

"Meh, I didn't feel so much alone. People here in the estate are lovely and friendly. Some people that work here aren't too much older than us either so I would still get along with them,"

"I can tell. Everyone was so welcoming. And father has been amazing too. It's so refreshing and it's only been a week. At least I'm not dealing with my old class anymore,"

"Hm. Your class should be glad I'm not dealing with them. They'd be human popsicles by now,"

Marinette giggled, "I want to say your mot being serious but you probably are,"

"Of course I am. Fuck with my sister you deal with me too. I just know father won't let me fly out to Paris. That's what is saving them right now,"

"Yeah and I also told you not to do anything. They're not worth your time or mine,"

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Let's go eat, I can smell lunch and I'm starving,"


Adrien was sitting on a bench taking a sip of water from his bottle while watching the fencing soar to on before him.

He's had a lot on his mind lately. One of the main things is Marinette who hasn't been in school for a week since that day.

He felt bad of course but what could he do? He wanted to talk to her the day after but she wasn't in class. He was thinking of going to her house today and asking her parents but then he noticed Kagami walk out of the girls changing room.

Of course! Kagami and Marinette hang out from what he has observed. She must know where she is.

"Hey Kagami!," Adrien called while walking up to her.

Kagami turned and when she saw Adrien walk up to her, her usual straight face turned into a mini scowl which startled the blonde a little.

"What do you want Agreste?" She asked with an emotionless tone.

"Uh, w-well I wanted to ask if you know where Marinette is. She hasn't been in school for a week and I'm a little worried,"

Now Kagami was full-on glaring at him which caused him to gulp.

"Oh so now you're worried?"

"Of course I'm worried," said Adrien, "she's my friend after all,"

"Let me stop you right there. Marinette is not your friend. She never was. The moment you decided that Lila should be allowed to do what she wants was when your friendship became nonexistent,"

Adrien looked taken back, "But Lila's lies-"

"Adrien I swear down if you say what I think you're going to say I will lose it,"

Adrien's mouth quickly shut.

"You're delusional, let me tell you that right now. I don't know what Marinette ever saw in you. I don't know what I ever saw in you. You're blind and stupid. You have no right to know anything about Marinette's business. You aren't her friend. Now leave me alone,"

And with that, Kagami stormed away from Adrien leaving him hurt and confused.

What did he do wrong?

Back in China...

"I have some important news to tell you two," Kai announced.

"What is it, father?" Asked Marin.

"We'll be having some guests coming over in a few days. They'll be here for some time,"

"Really? Who are they?" Marinette asked

"They are the other gifted dragon children. There are four of them, all from different countries but they have come together before. Now that you are here Marinette, our plans will come into action,"

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"There's a dark force out there. A dangerous one. The dark shadow dragon," said Marin.

"Dark shadow dragon?"

"Yes. You see, dragons don't die so easily. People thought they did, but no. The dark shadow dragon was evil. He was defeated during my great grandfather's prime and the pendant that contained the dark dragon's powers was guarded by trustworthy people. Recently, there was a report that our last keeper passed away and the pendant is nowhere to be found," Kai explained.

"Now, all the gifted can come together and we will have special training that will help us defeat him. The only reason we couldn't start sooner was that you weren't here," said Marin.

"How does me not being here affect anything?" Asked Marinette.

"There are always 6 gifted people. And whenever there are gifted dragons it means that there is something big that must be taken down. No matter what, all six must be present to receive such training. It isn't at all simple," said Kai.

Marinette nodded in understanding, "alright, I think I understand,"

Marinette then got up from her seat and was about to leave her father's office but Marin grabbed her wrist before she could.

"Where are you going all of a sudden?" He asked.

"To the gym. I feel the need to train," was all she said before she removed Marin's hand and walked out of the room.

Kai sighed, "go and watch your sister. Make site she doesn't overdo herself. I can tell she is just like your grandmother. No matter how big a take or mission is, she'll spend most of her time preparing for that,"

"Don't worry father, I'll make sure she doesn't do too much," Marin replied as he stood up.

"Good. And Marin?"

Marin turned around, "yeah?"

"Be sure to attend your archery lesson. I'm well aware you and your sister missed it yesterday,"

Marin just groaned a response and left the room.

Kai chuckled as he opened his laptop to finish off some work. He has a good feeling about the next few months that would pass.

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