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Kagami had arrived about 10 minutes after Marinette's parents left the bakery and Marinette rushed Kagami upstairs to her room.

"I still cannot believe how persistent you were on coming over. You're lucky my parents had an errand"

Kagami rubbed the back of her neck while giving her a sheepish smile, "Yes, well I may have not thought of everything through properly had your parents not left. But I wanted to see you physically before you leave"

"I'm still trying to take it all in. Along with this" Marinette said, pointing to her still red eyes.

"Ah yes. That. Very strange indeed. I can't think of what this could be" Kagami nodded

"I clearly have powers of some sort. But I'm not sure where it came from. I don't even know what to do. I can't take this glove off because if I do, I burn things"

"Yeah, I can see that..." Kagami mumbled as she noticed a few burn marks on some of Marinette's furniture.

"Do you have any ideas on what I should do?" Marinette asked as she tried to reach for a case that was on top of her cupboard.

"No. But you may not want to walk around with the way your eyes are. If it wasn't for the slight glow, people might assume that they're just contacts"

"You have a point..." Marinated said, still struggling to reach the case.

Kagami got up when she noticed that Marinette was struggling, even though she was using a chair to assist her.

"What's in there?" She asked

"I actually don't know. It's been there for ages but. It could just be some old design stuff."

Kagami nodded and then pulled down the case. When she did though, another small black box fell and Kagami had to jump off the chair to avoid it falling on her.

"What's this then?" Kagami asked. She gave Marinette the case and picked up the box. She blew off some of the dust. There was a small red ruby in the centre of the lid.

"I don't know," Marinette replied. She took the box from Kagami and examined it for a second, trying to recognise it, "I'll look into it later, for now, I need to finish packing."

Marinette placed the box in the backpack that she would take with her to the airport and continued to pack with the help of Kagami. It didn't take them too king since Marinette already got quite a bit of it done. She also had to send an email to Jagged and let him know about the situation. He wouldn't be happy but she knew he also wouldn't try and involve himself either at her request. But he still needed his jacket. It was pretty much completed but there were a few more touches that Marinette wanted to add to it.

So that's what she did. She conversed with Kagami while she finished the final touches on Jagged's jacket and Kagami said that Penny can come to her house to collect it since I ain't be here. Marinette agreed.

After a while when Marinette was finally done packing and making sure she had everything with the help of Kagami, she then took her things downstairs so that they would be loaded into the car.

When Marinette had returned to her room, she heard some quiet sniffles. Java is back was to her and she seemed still alert from the slight shake of her shoulders.

"Um, Kagami?"

The girl didn't respond so Marinette walked around to her bed where Kagami was sitting and her head was down. But the wet drops on her blue leggings showed Marinette that she was obviously crying.

"K-Kagami what's the matter?" Marinette asked. She'd never seen Kagami cry before. She never seemed like the type to cry in front of others.

Kagami let out a bitter chuckle, wiped her still leaking eyes and raided her head to have Marinette.

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