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After the two had slept for another hour, they got up and prepared to leave.

They showered and Marinette changed into a fresh outfit. If she was going to move to another country, she wanted to at least look presentable, especially since she had no idea who she was meeting there.

She put on a cream turtleneck with red high waisted jeans and put on a thick customised black belt with a gold buckle. She put on a black coat that went to her mid-thigh and put on some black combat boots. Kagami helped with straightening her hair and tieing it up into a high ponytail and used bobby pins to pin her bangs away from her face. Marinette was glad that she let her hair grow out. It was now down to her mid-back. And of course, she made sure to keep her glasses on and her glove as well.

Kagami just put on her school uniform since she would be dropped off straight after taking Marinette to the airport.

They all had a quick breakfast and soon enough, it was time for them to leave so Marinette, Kagami and Tomoe made their way to the limo.

"Right, now as we are on our way, would you girls finally like to fill me in on what is going on?" Asked Tomoe

Marinette let out a sigh, "yes. So...I'm moving to China"

"China? If you're moving then why have you come here and not gone with your parents?" Tomoe asked. But you could also hear the disappointment in her tone. She was very fond of Marinette and it would be a shame to see her move away.

"Because I'm the only one moving"

Tomoe's eyebrows rose in surprise, "just you? But why? This is so sudden"

"Trust me, I didn't expect it either. It is a very long story" said Marinette

"Well then," Tomoe began, "I'm all ears"

So Marinette began to explain everything. Kagami chimed in one or two times when a few topics became a bit difficult for Marinette to say. Tomoe's expressions went from confused, to sad, to annoyed to downright furious.

"I cannot believe this!" Tomoe exclaimed, "your parents chose to believe that girl over their own blood. Disgraceful. I thought Sabine and Tom were better than this,"

"Yeah. So did I. They wanted me gone so soon that they paid quite a bit just to get me this plane ticket. From this moment, I still don't know who I'm seeing when I arrive,"

"And they're very irresponsible as well. You should have this reported Marinette,"

"Believe me, mother, I've told her the same thing," said Kagami

"Well, I don't see any point right now anymore anyway. I'll be in China in less than 12 hours. Living a whole new life," Marinette sighed and looked out the window.

"Well...if you are one hundred percent sure that this is what you want to do," Tomoe began reluctantly, "then it is your choice. Though you should not have to deal with this."

Marinette let out a small chuckle, "it's fine. Really."

The Tsuguris knew that it wasn't and that the girl was hurting inside.

At the airport

They finally arrived and Kagami helped Marinette with her luggage until they had to leave her by the security check area since they wouldn't be able to go through. However, they would be able to watch the plane take off and that's exactly what Kagami planned on doing even though she knew it would make her even later for class.

"Well. This is me" Marinette said.

Kagami bit her lip in order to prevent herself from crying again, "have a safe flight Mari" she stepped forward to envelop her friend in a tight hug, "and make sure to call or message me when you have landed ok?"

"Marinette squeezed her back, " I will, I promise. Thanks again for always being there for me" she sniffed, "man, this is harder than I thought it would be"

Kagami pulled back so that Tomoe could also give her a hug, "stay safe alright? And do make sure to check in every once in a while..." Romeo trailed off a little as though she wanted to mention something but decided against it. Marinette brushed it off and a mother-like concern and hugged the woman back.

"Don't worry, I will"

"Air France flights for Shanghai, South Africa and Mexico. Please make your way to the plane as take-off will be in 10 minutes"

"I guess that's my call to leave," marinette said sadly.

"We'll visit you one day. Maybe during the summer holidays?" Said Lagami. She looked towards her mother for some kind of approval.

Tomoe nodded, "I will see what I can do. I should not be too busy so perhaps we can see you for a week or two. If I cannot, Kagami most certainly will"

Marinette's face heightened at that, "that would be wonderful!"

The Tusguris gave Marinette one last hug before they watched her make way to her plane.

Marinette kept her backpack with her and she sat at a window seat. She could still see Kagami and Tomoe from the large windows of the airport and waved at them.

Kagami nudged her mother to indicate to her that Marinette was waving and the woman waved back with a smile.

A few minutes later, the pilot gave the protocols and all the regular instructions that you would hear on a plane. Soon enough, the plane took off and Marinette leaned back in her seat the moment she couldn't see Kagami and Tomoe from her window anymore.

"This is it," she whispered to herself, "I'm going to start a new life in China"

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