Chapter 4

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The next morning, they woke up followed the grey wall again. 

"Oh my gosh, WHERE IS THE EXIT? We've been walking for so long and we haven't seen the end of this wall!" Jake complained. 

"More walking, less talking." Ori replied. Jake groaned.

"Come on Jake, this place will definitely have an end." Jeremy said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.  Jake just mumbled something and the group walked on for 2 hours before taking a break. Mochi shielded her eyes from the sun. Jeremy and Jake had taken of their shirts due to the stifling heat while Ori and Mochi had pulled their sleeves up.

"It's not fair that you guys get to take off your shirts." Mochi said as she fanned herself with a magazine she had found. Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"You know perfectly why you can't." Jeremy replied simply before splashing some water on his face.

"Yeah but seriously though I don't think you guys would mind." Ori stated, sitting down and splashing some water on herself. Jake blushed red.

"OoOoo, you want to see issit?" Mochi teased, making Jake's face turn into a deeper shade of red. Jeremy and Ori laughed.

"Quit joking. Come on, let's continue our journey." Jake huffed as he got up.

"Woah suddenly in a rush to get out of here huh?" Jeremy snickered.

"YOU WANT TO STAY HERE ISSIT?" Jake retorted. They finally got up and continued their journey. At 7:07 they went to a metal shelf and began building another safe space. 

"Me and Mochi are gonna go and pull up a bed." Jake said. Jeremy nodded. Jake quickly found a bed and started pulling it with Mochi. Five feet away from the ladder that led to the safe place, a sudden click noise was heard. the type of noise you would hear when you flick off a switch. Suddenly the whole place was flooded in darkness. A red mist settled on them. Jake and Mochi looked around and panicked. Closing in on them were the faceless employees. They abandoned the bed and climbed the ladder before pulling the ladder up. They sighed in relief.

"That was a close one."


Just as Jake said that, they heard a scream. Jake got up and looked around, noticing two figure absent from the party.

"WHERE'S JEREMY AND ORI??" Jake said in a panic. He took his whistle and whistled hard. The sound of steps could be heard. Mochi took the ladder and waited patiently. They soon arrived with a horde of zombies. Mochi quickly placed the ladder down and pulled it up just in time. 

"WHERE DID YOU GUYS GO?" Jake asked.

"We went to look for you!" Ori said. They all remained silent for a while.

"What is this red mist?" Mochi suddenly asked to break the silence.

"I don't know. There's no smell." Jeremy replied.

"Well I suggest you breathe through your nose. We don't know what this is, it could be poisonous." Ori warned. They nodded and went to sleep. 

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