CHAPTER 20 ~ Past Affairs

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"I'm going crazy..." He let's out a shaky breath while holding his head. It's hard for him to think clearly from all the exhaustion. The time with Annabelle has eased his mind but once they fell asleep he knew he was going to face another one of those dreams.

As the day went on, Ryan puts on his black suit their mother has given him. His hair is slicked back nicely but knowing that Annabelle does find his hair more attractive when it's messier, he hoes through it with his hand once again. He walks out of his room where he meets Kaiden and Carter, both of them wearing their suits as well.

"I was not expecting all of us to look so handsome. I mean, I knew I would. But I can't say I'm not surprised by the both of you." Carter smirks widely. Kaiden rolls his eyes at him looks down at the pocket watch that's connected to his suit.

"It's almost afternoon. Shall we see if mother needs any more help?" He asks while looking up to Ryan.
He nods in approval and together they make their way to the salon where Freya and the maidens have already set up everything for the ball to start.
Her face lights up as she sees her handsome sons standing in front of her, making adjustments to each of their hair and suit.

"You three look delightful!" Carter kisses his mother on her cheek and returns the compliment. Him and Ryan go to the door where they'll be greeting the guests while Kaiden seeks to have a conversation with her.

"Is something on your mind, dear?"

"No, mother. I was just wondering where father is?" Freya inhales deeply and looks around for him nervously, pretending that she wonders the same thing.

"Hm. I am not quite sure. He must be getting ready." Her smile does not convince him, knowing that she and Drago have been having their difficulties for some time now.

"What's wrong? Have you two been fighting once again?" His voice is soft and low so the others wouldn't hear him. But instead of giving him a straight answer, Freya looks at him conflicted. It's obvious that she wants to agree with him, but out of loyalty to her husband she decides to remain silent.
Kaiden nods as he has received the message from reading her eyes and chooses to let it go. As he wants to walk away, she grabs him by his arm so he turns back around.

"Please, do me a favor. Take care of Ryan tonight." She whispers, knowing something she cannot prevent from happening. Kaiden watches his mother walk away to finish up with the preparations. He looks over to Ryan who seems to be enjoying himself letting in the guests, wondering what his mother could be talking about.

The salon is crowded with many people in fancy clothing. Zachary and Jaxon stand in the corner of the room, not seeking a conversation with the guests. While Ryan and Damien on the other hand are having a delightful time talking to the people. Both of them have always been fascinated by the things humans talk about in their free time. They chat about their children, their workplaces, activities... Both filled with curiosity, they make their way through the whole crowd, greeting everyone.

"All this for a birthday. How ridiculous." Zachary scoffs while loosing up his tie. Jaxon sighs in response, his stomach starting to catch his attention.

"You know how excited mother gets when of us decides to age. Let her have her moment."

"Her moment of doing what? Pretending to have a human child? Oh please." Jaxon rolls his eyes at Zachary's bitterness and grabs onto his suit. Noticing how his body tenses up, Zachary turns his head towards him.

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