《 Beginnings 》

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Just so you know this takes place when the gang is 15 and in this AU the Byers and El didn't move, Hopper wasn't kidnapped, and Vecna doesn't exist BUT I plan on trying to makeup characters. Also don't be afraid to comment or message me. I need frens :(                         

                           •Y/n POV•

I just kept running as fast as I could. I mean that's all I could do. But all I knew was that I was done being Papa's little killing machine. I looked down at the tattoo on my wrist.


I continued to run when I saw a little house. I walked over to it and it had a sheet for a door and the top read 'Castle Byers'. I didn't know what that meant but I didn't see anyone near by so I went inside. But as soon as I entered a saw a boy sitting there sketching. He looked up with a startled voice and screamed. Then I screamed.

But then I remembered that if we kept screaming, someone might hear us, and I would get caught. I picked up a pillow I saw on the ground and pushed it on his face. "Hey shut up! You're gonna get me caught!", I whisper-yelled. He immediately stopped screaming. "Sorry, but.... WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" he demanded. "I'm Three." I answered after taking a deep breath. "What kind of name is- wait a minute. Let me see your wrist." He motioned for me to hand him my wrist. I did so reluctantly. He studied my wrist for a second before saying, "Do you have, uh, powers by any chance?"
"I guess? I mean I can make portals to different dimensions and stuff. But I don't like using my powers so don't even think of it bastard!" I snapped at him. "Alright, alright. Don't be angry, okay? Just. you're dirty do let's go get you cleaned up, ok?" I gave him an angry look before nodding and following him into his....other house? Except this one is bigger. And more cleaner snd housey than Castle Byers.

"So where are you from?" he asked. "Hawkins Lab," I muttered. "Okay then how old are you?"
"I'm 15. What about you?" I shot back. "15 as well." The boy replied while leading me into the bathroom. "Sit here." He said while pointing at the toilet seat.

I sat down hesitantly and watched him grab a white box. He pulled out this liquid and white fluffy thing. He put the liquid on the tiny cloud, then put the tiny cloud on a cut I had on my leg. It stung. A lot. I reacted quickly and slapped him across the face. "That burns!" I yelled. He furrowed his eyebrows and said, "I. Know. But it cleans the wound. So just....bear with me." I nodded in agreement and he finished cleaning it up. "Thanks." I muttered as he stood up and headed towards the door.  "Where are you going?" I asked. "To get you some clothes. Here's a rag and soap is already in the shower. Just take a shower while I get you clothes." He said whilst throwing a rag at me. He walked out of the room and closed the bathroom door.

I smiled to myself and started undressing. There was this weird cloth thing hanging from the top of the shower but I didn't know what it was so I didn't bother touching it. I got in the shower and turned it in. I started off by scrubbing my hair. Then my body. It was nice and peaceful. Then the boy walked in with clothes and screamed and covered his eyes, dropping the clothes.

"YOU'RE NAKED!" He yelled.



"WHAT'S A CURTAIN!?" I yelled back again.

He just ran over with his eyes still closed and moved the cloth thing. Oh. Guess that's what a hanger is.
"Sorry!" I yelled as I finished rinsing my hair. "It's fine!" He said. Then I heard the door close. God I feel weird now. I don't want to look at his face it'll just be like...weird.

As I finished showering, I turned the shower off, opened the curtain, and changed into the clothes the boy gave me. I walked out and the room across from the bathroom has the door open so I walked over and saw the boy sitting on a bed, sketching something. He must be very good because he managed to capture almost every detail without drawing a single smudge.

"Wow..you were really good!" I complimented. He smiled a soft smile and his cheeks got a little pink. "Thanks...", he muttered. "Also about the shower...I'm sorry. Now I have this, weird feeling like it's weird to not talk about it or something. But I don't know what the feeling's called so....could you help me out?" I said with a chuckle. He smiled again and said, "Yeah. That feeling's called embarrassment. It's a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness. And- you know what?"

He sighed and continued smiling as he handed me a book. "It's a dictionary. It'll help you learn words." He said. "Thanks. By the way, you never told me your name." I replied, taking the book. He laughed awkwardly and said, "Oh yeah, right. Well my name's Will. Will Byers. Also wouldn't you want another name other than Three?" He asked. My face lit up. "Oooh. Yeah sure. How about...Y/n?" I suggested excitedly. He chuckled softly and nodded. "Sure. Y/N it is." He said.


Me and Will were just drawing in his room when we heard someone come threw the door. "Hey Will! We were supposed to meet at my house today at 4 p.m.! Why weren't you there!" We heard someone yell. "Stay here. Don't move." Will said as he got up and left the room. As soon as he closed the door, I put myself up to it, trying to listen to the conversation. But it was kinda muffled.

"Sorry guys something came up."

"Wait what came up?"

"Nothing just something. Wait, El, don't open that-"

And I flinched off the door as it opened, and I saw a girl with bangs and long hair holding the door. She looked so...familiar. "Who're you?" she asked angrily. I gulped but held my breath steady so that she wouldn't catch me with it.
"She's just some friend I met earlier." Will responded. She scoffed at him and grabbed my wrist. She looked at it and released a tiny gasp. "You ran from Papa too, didn't you?" She asked quietly. I nodded and pulled my wrist away. "Yes." I said in a soft voice.


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