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Soulmate AU where everyone is born with a ring on their finger, the color of the ring indicates the emotion that your soulmate is going through. For example : red is anger, yellow is happy, blue is sad, love is purple, grey is fear, and green is envious or disgusted.

When you finally meet your soulmate the ring turns pink

And when they die, it turns black and falls off your finger, becoming dust

just imagine you in your bed staring at the ring, and all of a sudden it goes black. you turn on the light to make sure it's not actually black, but to your dismay it is.

You grieve for someone you haven't even met


Your ring happened to be grey quite a lot recently... And you knew it wasn't from you. Which meant it was from Eddie.

Rightfully so, he watched someone die horribly in front of him, and then he's (probably still hasn't been released to public information yet) the top suspect in the death of the said person. Even though anyone who knows the real Eddie, knows that Eddie would never in a million years do that.

You were with the others getting him stuff, you never expected to be ever hanging out with Steve Harrington but here you are, Dustin is one thing- Steve the hair Harrington. Just saying. Your mind kept poking fun at you for it. 

You guys pulled into Reefer Rick's place as you walked up to the fish shed opening the door to see Eddie about to strike with a broken bottle!


"Delivery service!" Dustin commented.

You smiled, "got you all the essentials." 

Eddie just looked at you, "even the stuff you forgot?"

"Yes, even the stuff I forgot," you rolled your eyes playfully.

Eddie sat in the boat eating some honeycombs as Dustin updated him and you since they just picked you up along the way, "so we have good news and bad news. How do you prefer it?"

"Bad news first, always," Eddie said making you nod too.

"Alright, bad news; we tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you," Dustin told him, "also, they're, uh, pretty convinced you killed Chrissy."

"Like, 100% kind of convinced," Max added.

You just shook your head in denial, "there has to be a way we can clear his name."

"And the good news?" Eddie asked.

Robin answered, "your name hasn't gone public yet, but if we found out about you, it's a matter of time before others do too. And once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you."

"Hunt the freak, right?" Eddie questioned.

You just kept shaking your head, the ring turning red, "no, no. That's not going to happen, not to him," you said not taking the idea of that, not about Eddie.

"So, before that happens," Dustin speaks up, "we need to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence, you in Y/N?"

You nodded, "hell yeah."

"That's all, Dustin? That's all?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah, no, that's pretty much it," Dustin nodded.

Robin spoke up, "listen, Eddie, I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we've actually been through this kind of thing before."

Sweetheart || soulmate au | Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now