Part 5

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Vijay's pov

We captured numerous photos as both of my princesses insisted on it. Later, one of Vikram's friends took the microphone and announced a couple's dance. Instantly, everyone found their partners, whether they were friends, girlfriends, or wives. As for me, I stood in the corner since I didn't have a girlfriend, and most of my friends were males.

I observed my family members joyfully dancing with their respective partners. Jiya was dancing with a boy named Rihaan, and Radha was dancing with one of Vikram's friends. However, my attention shifted to Vikram, who was nowhere to be found. Where did he disappear to? His behavior had been quite strange lately.

I approached Naman and asked him to look for Vikram. Suddenly, the lights abruptly turned off, enveloping the room in darkness. I quickly turned on my flashlight to gain some visibility, and that's when I saw Vikram entering with someone. Unfortunately, their faces were not clearly visible. Who was this mysterious person?

As they stepped further inside, the spotlight focused solely on them. To my astonishment, I realized that Vikram was accompanied by someone unexpected. How could he be here? Why hadn't the doctors informed me about this? The situation left me perplexed and filled with unanswered questions.

As the lights turned back on, the entire family gathered around Nikhil and Vikram. Chachi attempted to hug Nikhil, but he pushed her away and held Vikram's hand. It was time to introduce him to everyone—Nikhil Rajesh Singh Rajwanshi, my brother. He was the son of Chachu and Chachi. Due to a past accident, Nikhil's mental state resembled that of a 5-year-old child. The details of the incident remained unknown, despite extensive searches for answers. We consulted numerous doctors over the course of two years, but all the reports came back negative.

In an effort to find a solution, I even sent his medical reports abroad, but there was no breakthrough. Just six months ago, I received a contact for a specialist through a friend. This doctor suggested that Nikhil be taken to Assam for treatment. The proposition was met with fear and apprehension, but ultimately, we all agreed that it was in Nikhil's best interest.

"Bhaisa," I snapped back to reality as Nikhil called out to me. I quickly walked over to him, and he hugged me tightly, tears streaming down his face. We had always been incredibly close, like best friends, and seeing him in such pain broke my heart. I vowed to myself that I would not rest until I found the person responsible for causing my brother so much suffering.

I gently asked, "How are you, Nikhil?" slowly pulling away from the hug.

"Bhaisa, please don't send me with that doctor. They are bad," he pleaded, his grip on my hand tightening.

"Why? Did they mistreat you?" I inquired, concern evident in my voice.

"Yes! They don't let me play or eat my favorite food," he replied, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Alright, we won't send you anywhere," I assured him, determined to protect him from any further harm.

Filled with happiness, Nikhil began jumping and dancing, but I couldn't help feeling a pang of sadness. While his peers were enjoying carefree lives, my brother was burdened with pain and suffering.

Despite it all, the party continued, and Nikhil found immense joy in every moment. Laughter and smiles filled the room as he reveled in the company of his loved ones. It was heartwarming to see him so immersed in his happiness.

As the night wore on and the guests departed, only our immediate family remained, surrounding Nikhil with love and care in the living room. He continued to talk excitedly, sharing stories and thoughts without a pause.

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