year 3 | chapter 8

Start from the beginning

"Show me," I said, my wand pointed at Sirius.

"Give him to him, Ron," Harry commanded as Sirius attempted to grab the rat.

"What are you trying to do to him?!" Ron asked, trying to protect his pet. "Scabbers! Leave him alone!" Ron said. I went over and held onto him as Sirus took him away. "Get off him!"

"Ron, it's okay," I whispered to him, wrapping my arms around his torso as I sat down behind him.

"What're you doing?!" Ron continued to cry as Sirius dropped the rat on the piano, his and Lupin's wands aimed directly at it.

He tried to scurry away, running on the floor but one of them hit him with the spell, turning him back into his human form. There stood up a chubby man with rat-like teeth and retched nails. Sirius and Lupin pulled him off the ground, forcing him upright as they kept their wands trained on him.

Ron's eyes widened in shock at the man he once thought was his pet rat. I held him tighter, and he put his arms on top of mine.

"Remus? Sirius?" Peter said, greeting them. "My old friends!" He tried to run past them, but they quickly stopped him.

"Harper, look at you," Peter said, turning to me instead. I could kill this man. Ron must've been thinking the same thing as he glared at him and held onto me tighter. "You look just like your mother! And Harry," he turned over to him, "you look so much like your father. Like James. We were the best of friends, he and I—"

"How dare you speak to Harry and Harper!" Sirius said angrily, chasing him away again. "How dare you talk about James and Lily in front of them!"

"You sold James and Lily to Voldemort, didn't you?" Lupin yelled, cornering him behind the piano.

"I didn't mean to!" Peter cried out. "The Dark Lord—you have no idea the weapons he possesses. Ask yourself, Sirius!" He turned and pointed to him. "What would you have done?"

"I would have died!" Sirius screamed angrily as Peter ducked and crawled under the piano. "I would have died rather than betrayed my friends!" That line hit hard. I would too.

Peter made his way for the door, but Harry and I ran to blocked the exit.

"Harry and Harper, James wouldn't have wanted me killed!" Peter said, grabbing onto our shoulders. "Your dad, he would've spared me. He would've shown me mercy—Agh!" he yelled as Sirius and Lupin pulled him away from us.

"You should have realized, Peter," Sirius said, "that if Voldemort didn't kill you, then we would, together!" Sirius and Lupin pointed their wands at him. Harry and I exchanged a look.

"No!" we called out.

"Harry, Harper, this man is—" Lupin began.

"We know what he is," Harry interrupted. "But we'll take him to the castle."

"Oh, bless you, kids," Peter said, falling to his knees and reaching out to him. "Bless you!"

"Get off!" I said, backing away from his touch. "We said we'd take you to the castle. After that, the dementors can have you." I sneered in his face.

Peter began whimpering and sobbing, chewing on his nails. Sirius and Lupin nodded at each other.

With that, Sirius helped Ron to his feet with me on the other side as we took a tunnel back to the grounds. I held Ron's hand that was around my shoulders.

"Sorry about the bite," Sirius apologized, "I reckon that twinges a bit."

"A bit?! A bit?!" Ron said, his voice shaky. "You almost tore my leg off!"

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