"Demi's right," Normani decided. "We're appealing to people to protect themselves."

"It won't come to that," Demi suggested, always one for optimism. "The Volturi still have an opportunity to do the right thing and release Camila and the children."

I nodded. "Sending the email is our last resort if they refuse to listen. It's possible we won't have to involve anyone else. We need to be prepared, just in case."

"We're prepared," Normani insisted. "We'll be able to contact the majority of the vampire population with this list. 136 might not sound like much, but that's easily more than half of the vampires on the planet."

"I agree," I offered. "We've done what we can."

"So what's our game plan?" Dinah questioned, pushing the laptop in front of her away with a sigh. "I'm done with all this... technical shit. If I have to look at another line of source code, I'm going to snap. "

I grimaced. "I wish it hadn't taken so long. It's been almost 48 hours since we found Selena. That's a long time for a human to exist in a world teeming with vampires."

"Lauren," Demi said softly, "you need to be prepared for the possibility that they've already changed her. If our theory is correct, as a human, she's a liability to them. As a vampire, she has value. The kids, they'll groom until they're old enough, like they did with Alec and Jane... but Camila's an adult. Keeping her human would serve no purpose."

I scowled, angry at the thought that my girlfriend might have been forced into becoming a vampire because of her association with me. I had hoped she would choose to be with me forever, of course, but I had always assumed the decision to become immortal would be at her discretion.

"I'm well aware that's a possibility," I gritted out.

Demi clasped my shoulder. Her soft expression reminded me of the one my mother would wear when she sat me down to have a difficult discussion.

"I know this has been hard on you, Laur. I can't imagine how you've felt these past few days."

"I'm fine," I replied, my tone short. "We should focus on Camila and the kids. They're the ones who need us now."

Demi nodded, accepting my refusal to discuss the matter.

"We're ready to leave when you are, dawg." Dinah clapped me on the back and handed me a disposable smartphone. "The email's set."

She retrieved two identical phones from the coffee table. She passed one to Demi and tucked the final one into her own pocket.

"I've set these babies up so all we have to do it click this button, and the email gets sent out. One press and it's irreversible. I've set it up so that it's impossible to cancel once it starts to load. I figured it would be best if we each have one, just in case."

Vampire Babysitter (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now