Chapter 1: moving in

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After hours in the car, we finally got our new house. It was an old house, there was a creaky, wooden patio along with a door painted brown. There was a fence around the place, it sure looked like someone was either really protective over they're house, or they were really paranoid, the white paint was dirty, it was hard to tell if it was just weathering or a hate crime. My sister was already through the gate excited to have finally got here. 'This place looks a little old and worn down.' I thought to myself getting out of the car.
"Y/n don't forget to grab your stuff out of the trunk" my sister yelled already on the patio,

"yeah, yeah I know" I said.

I walked over to the back of the car and grabbing my boxes. My sister ran over and opened the gate for me,

"thank you" I said trying to not drop a box.
"No problem y/n" she said as our parents parked in the driveway next to my sisters car.

"Home sweet home" my mom said getting out of the car. I didn't really like mom much, she didn't like me either but adored my sister. I didn't stick around to hear her say hello to us, my dad walked inside with me showing me to my bedroom, surprisingly, the inside of the house was pretty nice, there were four rooms and three bathrooms. I was shocked when I walked into my room, I set the boxes down to look around, my room had a bathroom, a balcony and a small closet, 'is this the master bedroom?' I thought to myself as I walked out to look and see if the other rooms were like that too, first I walked into my sisters room, it was exactly the same as mine but it was switched around a bit. I sighed 'I'm glad she won't get mad about anything since our rooms are the same' I thought as I left her room to go check out my parents room, there room was the master bedroom, it had a huge walk in closet and a huge bathroom but without the balcony. 'This house is a lot fancier on the inside than the outside' I thought looking around.

"Why are you in here?" A stern voice said, I jumped a bit not expecting someone to be there, I turned around to see mom with her arms crossed tapping her foot.

"Sorry mom I'll go." I said looking down embarrassed.

"Why would you come in here knowing our rule is to not come in here?"

"I just wanted to look around, sorry about that mom"

"It's fine y/n but next time you know what happens"

I nodded going to my room. I started to unpack everything when I started to hear yelling. I went out on my balcony and looked around, just then I saw a group of teenagers fighting with this one with long black hair and looked Gothic and geeky in the ally. I decided to see what was going on because, 1. I didn't wanna hear the yelling as I was trying to relax. 2. It didn't really sound like they needed to be fighting.
I walked over to where they were, "Is everything okay over here?" I asked them nervously.

"Who the hell are you?" One of the group members asked.

"I'm y/n, I just moved in right here, I wanted to see if everything was okay"

"Fuck off, can't you see we're doing business here?"

"Fighting isn't 'business' dumbass" I said loudly.

One of them started to glare at me, he suddenly yelled, "let's go, its not worth our time and anyway she'll just be a pain" as the group started to walk off. I mentally sighed as I looked at goth boy, he just glared at me and walked away without even a thank you. "What a jerk" I muttered to myself as I started walking. I then heard a deep growl followed by the words "Watch it" behind me, I looked back and saw goth boy glaring at me for a second then walking away. 'That was weird, I wonder what they were fighting about' I thought to myself.

Then It suddenly hit me, I haven't looked at the backyard yet. I walked on the back patio and noticed, we have a pool. It wasn't filled with water yet, I went back inside to my room.

Word count: 755

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