#7: library

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"Hey...Lilly" someone shakes me awake.

I look and it's bright outside. "What time is it?" I sit up and see Cindy standing in front of me with a smile.

"It's 11 on Saturday morning! We have to go out and have fun!! Enough books! There's a party tonight and we are going! But first shopping!!!"

She drags me up into our room. "Now go change! We have to get to the mall" she goes out into the living room and shouts "WAKE UP WE ARE LEAVING IN 10 MINUTES TO GO SHOPPING"

I laugh at Cindy. We all make our way to the magic bus, MAGIC BUS. I know it's all crazy. After going in millions of stores Cindy leaves with 3 new outfits. I didn't get anything and Bella got a dress. After eating something we walk around for a while.

I was looking down at my new magic phone and bump into someone and fall back but someone wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Oh my. I am so sorry" this handsome stranger said to me helping me stand.

"No I'm sorry I wasn't looking" I blush and smile at him.

"I'm Tyler. It's a pleasure to bump into you" he bowed in front of me. He was cute, tall, brown hair and light brown eyes.

"I'm Lilly thanks for catching me" I give him a smile

"You are a catch" he winked. I just laugh. I've never had a guy say that to me. It's kinda nice. "So I'm not throwing a party but my roommates are and you should come with your friends? I could text you the details?" He gives me a nervous smile

"Yea um sure." I hand him my phone "In all honesty I'm not sure how to use this yet"

"It's cool. I have the same model" he pulled his phone out and it's the same thing but red. Mine is green. "I can teach you how to use it later" he winked

He gave me my phone back. "I'll text you the details...."

"TYLER MAN WHY ARE YOU TAKING SO LONG" some guy starts yelling.

"I gotta go....but Ill see you later?"

"Yea I'll see you later" I nod giving him a smile and he runs off.

I look around and start walking aimlessly. Where are they. Speaking of, my phone starts ringing. I click the green button and a hallogram pops up of Cindy.

"Ahhh" I scream and drop the phone. Shit. "Sorry! I'm not use to this yet" I pick up my phone avoiding the weird looks strangers give me.

"WHERE ARE YOU!" Cindy basically screams. But I heard her scream out loud not on the phone and I start speed walking to it. I make it to the end of the block and turn to find Cindy, Bella and Pearl.

"Hey guys!" I cheer when I see them.

"Hey! What took you so long?" Bella asks.

"Well....." I try to turn my phone off but I can't. "Ugh I'll tell you but can you help me" I hold my phone out and Bella takes it ending the call.


I got a text. Bella sees the name and smirks at me. "Who's Tyler" she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Tyler!? I thought you and ray were a thing" Pearl adds in.

"Ray and I are just friends from my earth life" I tell her and take my phone back.

From Tyler:
Party tonight at red fountain 9pm.

"Tyler invited me to some party at red fountain?" I question if they knew this place

"Red fountain! It's a school for specialists like strong heart and it's where the party we were gonna go tonight is!!!" Cindy dances a little earning some side eyes from strangers.

Wings of LifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang