|Chapter 1

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Kacey POV

I started to head to class because I knew I had a paper due and I have no time to finish since Aspen and Taeyln are dragging me to a party.

I mean I'm happy I never really am a party person but at least I get to be with my two best friends. (Wait I take that back I can't drink at parties or else I go crazy like I do stupid shit) I'm 20 for crying out loud, I shouldn't be drinking at this age because it's not legal but it's not like I go to bars.

Moving on, Taelyn and I will be graduating next year, while Aspen is graduating this year.

Both girls have boyfriends. Sadly, I am the only single person here, but I don't mind.

I can wait for the right person.

The fact that all guys want is nudity and sex, makes me wonder what is really wrong with men.

The reason I know is that I went on a couple of dating sites and that's what they all asked for so I gave them nothing just deleted the apps.

I mean don't get me wrong, some guys were really hot. But it's so crazy how they treat you, I want a guy who likes me for me not because they want pictures of me naked or just want to hook up.

And a lot of other things. To be honest, you've got the wrong person if you ask me.

So basically I never dated which means I never had a boyfriend. ( I know I repeated myself) I mean that's fine but I wish I did sometimes.

I'm always feeling left out or lonely because I don't have my plus one but honestly just to be able to live is good enough too because if it wasn't for Taeyln I wouldn't be here.

( I complain too much) I'm scared for someone to like a person like me because I am shy(I am truly shy) and when you get to really know me then I'm a crazy girl it will take a while to see that side of me but I don't wanna have to tell them about my past life.

I have a lot going on in my life, I just don't want to scare them away.

I'm so nice and think I am way too nice but that's who I am and I love being positive and happy because my whole life before was terrible.

I honestly don't like to talk about it. The only one who truly knows is Taelyn because she saw me crying one day.

I had told her everything and she was pissed and looked like she was going to strangle someone.

So here's what happened...

I had a dad who molested me but he never took my virginity.

He was close but when someone had called the police they made it on time before he could go any further. (They finally heard my screams)  I wasn't able to thank the person who called the police but I'm happy they did.

My biological father had abused me and molested me, my mom died when I was born.

I was the only child so now my dad is in prison and I honestly don't consider him my father.

After everything he has done to me, He's given me scars in my life even physical scars on my body.

I don't ever want him in my life and will never.

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