17| messed up

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"Takemichi are you okay?"

Hina was sitting next to Takemichi he looked upset and disappointed.

"It's just that...."


"I can't time travel anymore I tried to shake hands with Naoto and it didn't work!"

Hina sighed and wrapped her arms around Takemichi.

"Takemichi... so what's the point? Everyone's happy together.. you've saved Senju and Mikey, there's no point of you to be afraid, I'll always be there with you :)"

"Be there with you..."

Hina kissed Takemichi's forehead, she smiled kindly to him.

"Yes I'll always by there with you, I'll protect you.. now let's go to sleep if we both don't wanna end up being grumpy"

Hina let go of Takemichi and went to bed. Takemichi looked outside at the dark gloomy sky it was foggy and he felt chills and lonely it was like it was trying to warn him. Before he knew it he fell asleep.

"Pss wake up! Takemichi wake up! Sweetheart please wake up!"

Takemichi woke up and saw Hina trying to wake him up.

"I'm awake."

"Ahh great I'm going to work!"

Hina kissed Takemichi goodbye and hurried to her car. When Hina left the house an shadowy figure was watching her leave and then left.
Takemichi was home because he was free from work in 1 week because of a accident. Hina was driving her car peacefully when suddenly her car started to act weird, it wouldn't turn and it stop outta no where she went out to look at it, then finally it was normal again, she was driving peacefully again until a van came right her direction but from infront. She tried to dodge the car by driving to the side but she drove a bit to fast and crashed right into the van.

"What the fuck!"

An stranger screamed at the burning car, many people came running towards the car some people checked the van nobody was in there some people said: "the person in the van was probably a scaredy-cat so they probably ran away not to get caught!".


An kid yelled. People started to run quickly over to an reddish car with Hina inside, an man tried to open the car door but it wouldn't butch many people came to help him but it still wouldn't help.


An woman came with a rock and smashed the car window then stuck her hand out to the locker, people dragged Hina out of the car. Some people called the police and ambulance. The ambulance arrived 10 minutes later and quickly took Hina into custody. People we're watching Hina getting taken away she was laying down like she was completely gone.

"I hope that poor lady is safe.."

"Me to she's just so young."

"... guys come have a look on this!"

People looked at one teenager and so did the police they saw that Hina's car was (I forget what's it's called 🚶‍♀️). The police investigation more into it. Later that evening Yuzuha, Senju, Mikey, Kazutora and the others we're watching the news since people on social were talking about an woman.

"Breaking news everyone today we had a car accident... and fortunately the woman in that car accident has lost her life. It was quite a harsh one tho. But the police are investigating and they might have something to that it was planned for her to lose her life. We never know but as for we know for now the people that are maybe involved in her death is either Bonten or someone else. I mean Bonten is always into some things so it could possibly be them."

"No way they would blame Bonten for this! They don't even know!"

Senju looked pissed while Mikey didn't care Yuzuha complained along with Senju about the news.

"G-guys have you seen Hina!!"

Takemichi came barging. It looked like he was afraid.

"No why?"

All of them asked Takemichi

"Because I haven't seen her since the morning!"

The rest looked stunned especially Yuzuha and Senju.

"Takemichi what does Hina's car look like?"

Yuzuha was worried about what might have happened to Hina.

"It's reddish!"

Then it all just made sense for Yuzuha. Hina was the one that was gone.

"Excuse me I'm gonna use the bathroom..."

Yuzuha excused herself and left. Yuzuha was crying so badly in the bathroom that she got the worst headache ever. Senju heard crying in the bathroom and went to check on her.

"Yuzu you okay?"

"It's Hina..."

"What about her?"

"She's gone"*sobs*

Senju closed the door after her and went to hug Yuzuha while also crying Takemichi ear dropped on them and felt his heart shattering. He touched his cheek to feel wet he was crying badly the other watched him expect for Yuzuha and Senju,

"Takemichi don't tell me that..."

He didn't answer but continued to cry. For the first time after some years Mikey also cried not that much but a bit he usually never cries unless he really cares about that an person. Hina was like a second sister to him and he had just lost her Chifuyu went to Takemichi and Mikey and hugged them Mitsuya was speechless and Kazutora couldn't do anything he never experienced this with anyone before. Expect for Baji but that was kinda different.

|one favorite character down 🙁 anyways I hope y'all are suffering rn and I'm sorry 😞 for this chapter but we can't keep kind girl forever again I'm sorry|

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