12| future wife

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Takemichi was crossing an bridge thinking about how he could save Mikey since Senju already is okay now.

Mikey won't do suicide since Senju is here right? Or is there something else triggering him...? Takemichi thought.

"Whatever today is gonna be an big day"

That's right it was Senju's and Mikey's wedding today!! At first the others thought that they were joking and it was a bad joke but they were actually honest about the marriage.

"I really can't believe that of all these years they choose to do it now... wait they didn't get married before so why now.... Maybe it's because Senju is still alive.."

It was good no one was around Takemichi or else they would have thought that he was just being crazy. Takemichi got an notification from his phone it was from Mitsuya it said "where the hell are you the wedding is gonna start in some hours we need your help here asshole!!".

Shit I completely forgot that I was gonna help the others preparing for the wedding! Takemichi thought.

He rushed all the way to the wedding place (idk what to call it).

"What took you so long dude!"

Chifuyu stood at the entrance it was an beautiful place. When Chifuyu and Takemichi came inside Chifuyu was proud and Takemichi was speechless.

 When Chifuyu and Takemichi came inside Chifuyu was proud and Takemichi was speechless

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(This is how it looks btw 🤗)

"Wow it's so beautiful..."

"Yep I know Takemichi me and the others spend time on it since you were to busy not showing up in time."

Takemichi ignored what Chifuyu said and went straight over to where Mikey and the other boys were. Mikey looked at Takemichi, he looked beautiful in his suit.

"Greetings Takemichi"

Mikey greeted him like an gentleman.

"Wow I'm impressed for someone like you to have those skills"

"Huh what do you mean!? I've a-always had it in me!! Right guys?"

Kazutora and Mitsuya agreed with Mikey he actually did have it in him, Takemichi loved to see Mikey confused he looked cute when he was confused (in an friend way 🤨‼️).

"Shit we only have 20 minutes left before the guests comes!!"

Mitsuya ran out to the entrance he was gonna but a bit more excitement to it. Kazutora was always behind him keeping him entertained.

-Meanwhile with the ladies-

"Oh wow girls we only have 20 minutes we got hurry up!!"

Hina scold the other, they were having an girl time at the spa. Yuzuha, Senju and Hina changed back to their normal clothes. Senju took all of her bags with stuff and wedding dress that she had bought with the girl.

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