3| was it a melody?

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(I'll continue a bit from last chapter!!)

"I'm gonna go into my room"

Kamiya was about to ask Emma of where she could have a bedroom but decided just to go into an random room. She arrived at a nice and perfect shaped room with a enough space for anything and comfortable bed. With a sofa on the other side and a tv, there were also a lamp shaped like a star that could change to different colors.(Mikey's past room).

Mean while with Emma.
She went into her past room noticing that nothing had changed her closet with pink decorations and stickers were still there and her big but also small bed was also there with a lamp shaped like a heart and some colorful lights on every single wall corner, with some neon fingers or moons dangling on the wall, and a desk with her dairy and other stuffs. Emma felt warm inside knowing that Mikey or her Grandpa didn't get rid of her stuff after her death.

"Umm Emma are okay?"

Emma turned around to see Kamiya standing curiously behind her with an curious face. Emma patted Kamiya by her shoulder and left while saying "nope nothing is wrong. I'm going to make dinner what do you want to eat?" Kamiya smiled and turned around. She ran towards Emma.

"Wait for me Emma!"

She wanted to join her on the grocery's since it has been a long time for her on earth. The girls went to the close's grocery store .It was Mikey's and Haruchiyo favorite grocery store, because there was a candy shop next to it, when they we're younger they used to steal candy from it, when they got caught they would say it's for they're sisters, the owner of the shop didn't really care and let them do it.

"Kamiya what do you want to buy here or eat?"

Kamiya thought for awhile until she got an idea she used to make this Ghanaian tradition food with her mother.

"Hmm what about Waakye?"

Emma looked at confused at Kamiya.


"Waakye it's an tradition food for Ghanaians!"

Emma still had nothing to say but just accept her request.

"For this we need... fried plantain, garri spaghetti and avocado or we can make the other version rice and beans but with some smth!"

"What does garri mean?"

"I'm sure my mother told me it meant fried grated cassava... but I'm not sure

(I'm not sorry either so I'm gonna ask my mom then I'll update y'all).

Emma and Kamiya went into the store and bought the ingredients for the food.

"So you're light skinned?"

Kamiya looked at Emma with a smile and nodded.

"I've always been light skinned haven't you noticed it by now? Because Senju did or she just didn't tell you about it huh."

"I mean I did see some black features on you, and Senju hasn't told me anything."

Kamiya laughed while Emma was surprised but happy at the same time. After awhile they finally found the things they needed and went to the cashier.

"57 yen please"

An beautiful woman in her thirties we're standing in front of them her hair was long and ginger but a little bit red and she had a little black thing on her left side of her mouth (i forgot what's it called🚶‍♀️) she had the same eyes color as her hair but a bit lighter, the woman looked so young she looked like a teenager. Emma had realized she was.

"Hina..." mumbles.

"Did you say my name?"

Kamiya hurried up and payed the money and took Emma by the hand running out the store while saying "Nope she totally didn't and have a nice day bye!!" Hina looked confused but then continued with her work.

"Teenagers theses days" sighs

Hina said while doing her work.

Meanwhile with Emma and Kamiya.

Kamiya was scolding Emma for saying her name.

"Emma you know how awkward you were!"

Emma just patted her own head because of Kamiya hit her head while Kamiya was screaming at Emma a boy and a girl walked past them.


Emma got eye contact with him. He had looked back when she said his name, Ayumu went over to the girls while the other girl was behind him she didn't look scary she looked kind hearted.

"How the fuck do you know my name!?"

Kamiya squeezed her fist , grind her teeth while looking at Emma. Ayumu was still waiting for an answer but no answer came until a boy and a girl came running towards them the boy and the girl both were brunettes and they had brown hazel eyes they were twins. The twins were about the same age has Ayumu and the other and Kamiya.

(Kamiya died as an 16 year old girl btw so in this story she's sixteen! And Emma is still 14)

"Ayumu and Andrea!"

The twins screamed. Ayumu had no face expression just like his brother-in-law, Andrea lighted up her mood running towards giving them an hug.

"It's good to see you Aika and Ren!"

Emma looked confused and just stood she asked Kamiya to follow her but Kamiya wanted to stay longer so then Emma left her with some strangers they just met. Ayumu looked at the calm girl she had long eyelashes just like his big sister. Her black hair with some red on it was dancing with the wind, her brown eyes was lighter then before. An flower had fallen on her hair. Andrea and the others saw how Ayumu looked at her.

"So this is what you call love at first sight huh"

Andrea smirked Ayumu snapped back to reality.

"Cut the shit off Andrea"

Kamiya just laughed a bit. The twin had already started to like her and so with Andrea.

"Hey girl here's our phone if you need us and your name by the way?"

"Oh it's Kamiya but for short Kami or Kam.."

Her voice is so warm and soft it was like an melody that I could listen to all day.. Ayumu thought. Kamiya waved goodbye to Andrea, Aika, and Ren. They all had something "important" to do.

"Oh umm need a ride home?"

Ayumu offered to help Kamiya and she gladly accepted his request it was nice having a friend especially when the boy is cute Kamiya thought. Ayumu went to his car it looked fantastic Kamiya was surprised by that. Ayumu opened the door to the car being an gentleman, he order his personal uber to drive them to Kamiya's place.

|sorry for not updating in like 10 days! I was kinda busy and I had no idea for what to write but in 19 or 18 days it's my birthday 18th May! And is Ayumu and Kamiya an good relationship? Idk know|

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