┊18. Wooden spoon

Start from the beginning

"We trusted Matt to make it...thinking back that's probably not the best choice." Chris says.


"Matt I swear I will knee you in the balls if you don't keep 6 feet" Bella threatens. Matt's been coming up behind Bella for hours, giving her a hug, and then going back to what he was doing.

It's weird.

"Fine." Matt says moving beside Jayden. "Five bucks they'll be making out by the end of the night." Bella whispers to Chris. "No way that's going to happen. Bet." Chris whispers back, shaking her hand.

I shake my head at their childish behavior and press play on the movie. We're watching IT because according to Matt he "won't jump once"and of course Bella had to call bull shit on that.

So now we're watching a movie that'll probably give us all nightmares.

We're at the slideshow scene and by now Bella is the only one who hasn't screamed, flinched or visibly contemplated her life choices.

I don't even know why we're still watching it because Matt went to his room a while ago. So did Jayden, Elsie, and Chris.

Enzo and I have no problem with scary movies but this one has made both of us jump. It's shocking, you take beatings for years but get scared of some sewer clown.

I've seen Nick and Enzo both sneak in tiny actions of affection and I've been holding back gags every time.

I totally support my brother, it's just weird to see him with the neighbor. I don't know, it's just something about the neighbor part that gets me.

Another jump scare comes on making me tense. "You ok?" Bella whispers. I gently put out my hand, wanting her to draw on it like she did a week ago.

She shakes her head, a soft smile forming on her lips as she draws slow circles with her thumb. I turn my head to make sure Nick and Enzo aren't watching but to my dismay they're making out.

What happened to keeping it behind closed doors.

I sit there until the movie ends and we all go back up to our rooms.

Safe to say that was the worst movie night I've ever been apart of.


I'm woken up by loud bangs against the wall. I groan, rolling over I see it's only 2:30 am. The banging sound speeds up as faint whispers appear.

What the fuck?

I quickly walk out of my room and over to the only other door I know; Bella's. Knocking on the door I can still hear the faint sound of Enzo and Nick having sex.

"Can't sleep?"Bella asks opening her door. I shake my head, "way worse." She gives me a confused look before moving out of my way, letting me in.

I walk in and fall onto her bed.

"I love your bed." I groan. She laughs, sitting down next to me. I take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what I'm about to say.

"Nick and Enzo are having sex."

Her jaw drops, "Uhm, say that again?" She asks stunned. "Sex Bella. They're having sex."

"That's disappointing..." she says laying down. "Disappointing?" I question. She nods her head. "I don't know what's disappointing about that but ok..."

"You wouldn't get it." She sighs. Girl shit. "I wouldn't." I agree. In all honesty I probably wouldn't. Girls are far to complicated for me.

**✿❀ ❀✿**
Chapter: 18
Words: 1041
posted:8/10/22  1:37 pm

This picture fits perfectly and no one can tell me otherwise

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This picture fits perfectly and no one can tell me otherwise.

Sorry for the short chapter but this is all I'm able to write right now. I thought I just got rid of my writers block but no!

Also SCHOOL STARTS SOON. I'm going to run away. I fucking hate school. I would rather shove a knife up my ass and out my throat then go to school.

Have a good day <3

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