Beginning of the End

Start from the beginning

"I hope you're not talking about me, Noona."

Anna whipped around to see Jungkook in the doorway.

"What? Jungkookie? Our sweet, cute Maknae, who only uses his muscles for good? Never."

"When you said you wanted to play hide and seek, I thought you would actually hide somewhere."

"I did. It took you a while to find me, didn't it?"

"Hiding in plain sight. Clever."

"I learnt from the best."

"See! I was right. She was hiding from someone."

Jungkook walked further into the room toward Anna.

"And now she's been found. Come on, Noona. You're mine now."

"Um, actually, I'm good here."

"Noona? What... you're not still mad?"

"Why would I be mad?"

Jungkook walked closer to where Anna was sitting and she jumped up to keep out of his reach. The boy of ENHYPEN watched the two soulmates chase each other around the room, not knowing what to do. When Jungkook caught her, he picked Anna up and put her over his shoulder before walking towards the door.

"Bye boys."

"Kookie, put me down!"

Jay moved to stand between them and the door. The younger Idol gulped as he was stared down by Jungkook. He chuckled nervously and stepped aside.

"Bye, Noona!"

Anna was taken down the hall to BTS' dance studio where Jimin was waiting.

"What are you two up to?"

"Jungkook kidnapped me."

"Noona's jealous."

"You're jealous? Of what?"

When she didn't answer straight away, Jimin turned to Jungkook who looked at Anna.

"I'll tell him if you don't."

"Fine. All he's been talking about is how much he liked working with Charlie Puth."

"Oh. Anna's got a point."

"What? Hyung! There's no reason to be jealous."

"Did you understand the lyrics? 'the nights we were tangled up in your bed'!"

"I think that this isn't just about me, is it, Noona?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"You've been following the news about Tae-Hyung?"

"What? Anna wouldn't be jealous just because he's attending the same event as a female Idol."

"You can't really comment on who and what I can be jealous of, Jimin. Besides, they're not just attending an event and Lisa isn't just any female Idol."

"You're right. I'm sorry and I promise to never be irrationally jealous of other Idols you come in contact with again."

"If it were that easy, Hyung, Noona wouldn't be 'irrationally jealous' right now."

"Okay. We get it. Jealous is stupid. Let's move on."

"Did you want my help with something?"

"Yeah. One of my songs had a more contemporary type dance, could you take a look? There's a part that just doesn't feel quite right."


"Can I watch too, Noona?"

"I suppose so, but you have to answer a question first?"


"Who's the favourite person who you've collaborated with?"

"Noona, of course."

"Right answer! Okay, let me just warm up."

Later that night, the next set of teaser photos for Anna's debut album was released. She was at home with all her soulmates who were still in the city and she was looking forward to everyone's reaction.

"Oh my... Noona!"

"Wow! You look hot!"

"Please tell me you still have that outfit?"

Anna tried to hide her smile.

"I might have kept it for a special occasion."

"Is tonight a special occasion?"

Jimin's question went unanswered as Namjoon frowned a little.

"I don't know how I feel about these photos being released into the world."

"Really? I'll admit I was a little worried at first, but after Jin's topless photo they now feel a little tame."

Yoongi chuckled.

"I think Hyung shocked us all with that upload."

"I'm pretty sure ARMY died when they saw it."

Namjoon wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"No doubt. Anyway, the pictures are gorgeous, Anna."

"Thank you."

"So... are we celebrating tonight, or what?"

Anna's outfit didn't make an appearance that night, but on Friday night they had a big celebration.

Hoseok's pre-release song for his first official solo album was released and all his soulmates were home to watch it. While most of the boys had heard some of the songs, Anna had no idea what to expect. Even so, MORE definitely wasn't what she was expecting.

Although, she would never admit it out loud, as the song began all she thought was that it wasn't her type of music. As she had said before, Anna hadn't been a fan of rap before discovering BTS, and even afterwards, for some songs it took a little longer for her to appreciate. She kind of hated herself for these thoughts as she listened to one of her soulmates' songs.

However, everything changed when it hit the chorus. While Anna may not have been partial to rap, she was to the kind of rock sound that this chorus was leaning towards. They watched the music video through once in almost silence, other than when Taehyung pointed himself out.

"Can we watch it again?"

With every listen, the song grew on Anna more and more. When the chorus played this time, she grabbed the arms of the soulmates sitting next to her and pulled them up. Jungkook, Taehyung and Anna started jumping around and head banging while singing along. Hoseok immediately joined them and then Jin pulled up Namjoon, even Yoongi allowed himself to be pulled into the dancing.

"Hobi-Hyung! This is awesome!"

"This is a great start to chapter two."

"ARMY's are going to be blown away."

Hoseok stopped jumping and turned to Anna.

"Anna? What do you think?"

Listening to this song made her excited. This was only the first song of the first of her soulmate's solo albums, and already she was pleasantly surprised. Hoseok had brought out a new sound with the song and it made her excited to see what else he and her other soulmates would do.

She put on a thoughtful face before breaking out into a smile.

"I think... that this is only the beginning."

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