Milo got up and held out his hand for me. I took it looking at him confused. "You don't look like you're sleeping any time soon."

I nodded wiping the few tears that are on my cheeks. I am in no mood to solve my problems right now. Let me enjoy having brothers before Gabriel sends them the videos and I become family-less—

"Earth to Morana. Where did your mind go?"

"Nowhere." I muttered getting up.

I took his hand as we left my room and started walking towards the living room. Most of the time they are in the kitchen so it's unusual for them to be chilling in the living room especially that Gio isn't home so often.

We walk into the living room and they all shut up and look at me, by all I mean everyone except Dom who is probably sleeping upstairs as he can't really move until his wound is healed.

"Come here bambina!" Adriano exclaimed startling me. I smiled and looked back at Milo asking him silently if it's okay because he looks very drunk and drunk Gabriel scares me so much. Let's hope Adriano is nothing like him— I am sure he's nothing like him. Milo nods and lets go of my hand as I walk slowly towards Adriano who's sitting on the couch facing the couch Gio and Kieran are sitting on.

As I get closer to Adriano, he wraps his arms around my waist and sits me on his lap gently. He smoothes my hair softly as he smiles at me making me smile as well.

"Isn't she so adorable?" He asked looking around making Elio chuckle as I grin. "You're like the perfect little sister." He says pressing my head to his chest still so softly. I think I like drunk Adriano.

"It's way past bedtime Morana." Gio said. He had to ruin it somehow.

"Let her this one time." Milo said to Gio sitting next to Elio on the couch next to ours.

"Tell us who's your favourite brother." Adriano asked me.

"I don't have a favourite." I responded. Okay, I lied a little.

"Liar." Adriano said bumping my nose with his finger playfully.

Gio is also drinking as he poured more alcohol juice in his glass and he also poured some for Milo when he asked him to.

I look up at Kieran who was watching me. Kieran is always unhappy. His usual expression is the bored angry one. It's so unwelcoming!

"Uhm so that's what condoms are made of?" I asked and a silence suddenly settled in the room. They all stopped functioning like I pressed the off button. What the hell is wrong with them?

"What." Gio spoke looking at me confused.

"What?" I asked because I feel like I said something inappropriate. Kieran sighed before putting his face in his hands— Isn't he the one who told me that? He removed his hands away from his face and looked at me amused before he bursted out laughing making Adriano laugh as well.

"Kieran what did you tell her?" Milo asked him concerned. Adriano is dying of laughter while Kieran laughs louder every time he lays his eyes on me. I don't understand!

"She saw condoms in my car. I panicked. I told her they were candies with alcohol."

Gio threw his head back laughing slightly making Milo laugh as well. I am so so so so confused. Gio is laughing! What's happening?!

"Candies with alcohol?!" Elio exclaimed. "What the fuck bro?"

"I told her they were candies so she fucking asked for one!" Kieran laughs louder and Adriano is literally wheezing while I am just looking at them not amused at all and very confused.

MoranaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz