Chapter 4: Team Zero-One vs Fairy Tail/Dealing with Talon

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(Zero-One and the Overwatch are seen still face to face with Fairy Tail, and Natsu glares at Zero-One.)

Natsu: (stern) Why Lucy, Lucas?

Zero-One: (glares) Because you and your friends started neglecting her for no good reason. And why? Because of this bitch which Mirajane calls a sister.

Mirajane: (glares) At least I have a sister. You have nothing.

Cyborg: (glares) Shut up. You're the ones who involved people in this nonsense. We're going to shut the guilds down.

Laxus: (angry) You will not shut us down.

Winston: (cocky smirk) What? Something got in my ear and... I can't heeeear yooou.

Laxus: You talking ape bastard!

Winston: (gibberish) Duh meep mock fuck, go fuck yourself. Hahahahaha!


Natsu: (glares) Let's kill them all.

(The Fairy Tail Guild charges at them. Cyborg shoots them down.)

Cyborg: Boo-yah!

(Winston uses his drone to shoot them down.)

Winston: (smirks) Oh yeah, that's a real battle.

(Zero-One and Natsu charge at each other and have a clash as they exchange glares.)

Zero-One: The wind of change is blowing, and there's nothing you can do.

Natsu: Science breeds chaos. Magic brings order.

Zero-One: You're just a dumbass. No wonder your father left you.

(Then Zero-One kicks Natsu down before charging at him again.)

(Meanwhile, Nightwing and Lucy are fighting Talon. Nightwing punches Kamen Rider Jin and kicks his guts.)

Nightwing: Yeah, that's what you get for messing with me, Slade Junior.

Jin: Get cocky all you want, I will still have my revenge.

(Then Kamen Rider Jin charges at Nightwing again, only for him to throw some explosive discs, and then kick him from behind. Then Horobi and Talon Tracer charge at Nightwing, only for him to pummel them with his staff, and then Moira comes in with Lucy as her hostage and points the gun in her head.)

Moira: Stand down, or this girl will die.

????: Don't bet on it.

(Then a man covered in metal grabs Moira and throws her down.)

Colossus: (glares) You're not killing him.

(Then he pulls out a ShotRiser and a progrisekey, and throws them to Nightwing.)

Colossus: Use them.

Nightwing: Sure.

Progrisekey: Bullet!

ShotRiser: Authorise!

Nightwing: Henshin!

ShotRiser: Shotrise! Shooting Wolf! The elevation increases as the bullet is fired.

(Nightwing becomes Kamen Rider Vulcan while Moira gets up and glares at Colossus.)

Moira: I'll kill you both.

Vulcan: Bring it on, let's see what you're made of.

(Then Moira throws Lucy down and charges at Vulcan. He shoots her and beats her. Vulcan grabs and throws Moira into the wall and prepares his finishing move.)

Kamen Rider Zero-One and Overwatch: Saviors of EarthlandWhere stories live. Discover now