Chapter 38

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Shay woke up smelling food she turned over to see Jack sound asleep on the floor beside the couch curled up with some covers she smiled weakly stepping over him she walked into the kitchen to see Alex standing in front of the stove the smell of Eggs, bacon and sausage filled the room she walked over to the fridge grabbing the orange juice along with a glass from the cupboard pouring her a glass feeling two arms wrap around her waist a smile on her face.

“Good morning beautiful”

Shay smiled wrapping her arms around his neck hugging him close, “Good morning.” She said quietly as his lips pressed against her own.

Shay’s phone started to vibrate on the counter behind her where it was left to charge last night she pulled back pecking his lips smiling as he got back to cooking breakfast she turned seeing Roo’s name across the screen she smiled picking it up putting it to her ear leaning against the counter.

“Hey Roo” she answered.

“I have news!” Roo sang.

Shay raised an eye brow, “What’s the news?” she asked hearing exciment in her voice.

“Matt said if I can get through this signing today and help with there for tomorrows recording by the time you guys get here I can officially be an over the road producer.”

Shay smiled, “That’s awesome! Are you going to tell Jack?” she asked glancing in the living room where he still laid on the floor asleep.

“No I want it to be a surprise, like I’m coming to the show and the rest of the tour kind of thing.” She said.

Shay smiled, “Got it” she said as Alex walked over kissing her cheek making her smile more, “Jack is still asleep, I don’t think he slept hardly at all last night.”

“I know how he feels, but don’t wake him up I kind of rushing now as it is I have to be at this brunch type thing for the sighing and I need to look prestable.” She said.

Shay smiled again, “You’ll do great” she assured her just as Jack walked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes then ran a hand through his messy hair walking over beside her pouring a cup of coffee

“Oh I finally figured out why Matt wanted me at this signing.”

Shay glanced at Jack a second then over at Alex, “How come?” she asked.

Jack looked down at Shay as he sipped his coffee, “Is that Roo?”

Shay nods.

“He’s not going to be there apparently, his wife is due to have a baby in the next few days and eh wanted me to take over while he was with her, I didn’t know she was so close to the due date.”

“Neither did I, but you’ve had Matt by your side teaching you all the ropes to everything so you’ll do great today.” Shay said with a smile as she sat on the couch.

Roo took in a deep breath, “I’m just nervous.”

Shay smiled, “I know, and I also know someone who must really want to talk to you because he’s been following me since he walked into the kitchen.” She said feeling Jack sit next to her on the couch. “And talking to him might just calm the nerves down.”

“I thought you said he was sleeping, put him on!” Roo said excited.

Jack herd her and chuckled taking the phone, “I was, but Alex’s cooking woke me up.” He said with a smile.

“Even in your sleep you’re hungry.”

“Yup, how are things going there?” Jack asked still smiling.

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