Chapter 06

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Alex groaned waking up seeing he had fallen asleep on the couch feeling a major hang over not really remembering where he had gotten it from or what had happened he sat up stumbling off the couch walking lazily up the stairs into the room not seeing Shay he raised an eye brow, “Shay bear?”

Alex opened the curtains to the patio seeing no sign of her there he turned around noticing the closet door opened seeing her things were gone he blinked a few times.

“Shay this really isn’t fucking funny” He walked out of the room opening every door checking inside it leaning against the wall seeing she wasn’t there he grabbed his phone dialing Jack’s number putting it to his ear waiting for him to pick up.

“Lex? You okay?”

“No, Shay’s gone. W-why is she gone? Why do I not know this shit?”

Jack walked out of the room Roo was in closing the door behind him, “I’ll be home soon just try to stay together okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll be in the fucking shower” He sighed leaving his phone on the dresser stripping down walking into the bathroom turning the hot water on stepping inside trying to figure out what had happened and where Shay was at.

          Jack sighed hanging up the phone walking down the hall knowing Roo wasn’t awake yet and won’t be for another few hours so had plenty of time to run home to be with Alex as he stepped off the elevator he turned the corner nearly running into someone.

“So- Shay? Alex is freaking out, why aren’t you there?”

Shay looked down at her feet, “I- I’m leaving, I’m not going back, I’m here to see how Roo is doing.”

“Shay, Alex doesn’t remember anything he’s freaking the fuck out all he knows right now is that you’re not there and wanting to know why.” Jack said worryingly. “Please Shay? Don’t leave”

Shay bit her lip lighty, “I’m sorry Jacky. We can still keep in touch okay?” he sighed deeply shrugging his shoulders.

“Do you have any idea how bad Alex will feel once he remembers what the hell happened? He’s going to go down bad Shay it won’t be pretty, but I need to go I promised Alex I’d be there soon” he sighed and started walking away leaving Shay there to go see Roo.

          Jack walked inside not seeing any sign of Alex anywhere he dropped his car keys walking up the stairs shrugging off his jacket throwing it onto his bed in the room before going into Alex’s seeing him lying there in the bed and sat at the edge looking over at Alex.

“Lex? What all do you remember from yesterday?”

Alex groaned, “I remember being at the studio with all of you, coming home making cupcakes with Shay, I don’t remember much just specific shit but it doesn’t help me figure out why Shay is gone” he nearly choked out the last words.

“Remember going to the studio again?” Jack asked.

Alex raised an eye brow trying to figure it out, “I remember going in to see if Roo was okay I’m not sure why”

“Because she was upset”

Alex looked down trying to remember everything, “stop giving me fucking hints and just tell me” he said.

“You made out with Roo” Jack sighed, “I feel like I should punch you but I’m not sure.” He added looking down.

Alex glanced at Jack for a second as his eyes moved to the closet he bit his lip lightly, “Jack, if this is why Shay left I swear I would have never done that” his hand shook a little as he pulled something out of his pocket remembering what he was supposed to do as he looked at the small box then placed it on the nightstand. Alex sighing a little, “I fucked up I should have poured the shit out not drink it, w- what if Shay is gone for good Jack?”

Jack shook his head lightly, “Nah Lex, she needs to chill and cool down, she’ll be back she still loves you, I know because she’s my best friend.”

Alex sighed and shrugged a little, “Whatever, I just want to be left alone right now, sleep maybe.” He said looking away from Jack.

Jack sighed getting up walking out of the room deciding to go back to the hospital with Roo to see if she was alright.

          Jack got back to the hospital walking into Roo’s room looking over at her as she was fighting with the nurse he chuckled slightly at the site.

Roo looked over, “You” she pointed. “Get me out!”

Jack sighed as the nurse left the room walking up to her, “I can’t without the DR approving you can go, it’s best if you stay here till they tell you that you’re okay, do you remember anything last night?” he asked her quietly.

Roo stared at him, “I’m fine, and only bits and pieces, I remember you being there. The rest is pretty much a blank.”

Jack sighed deeply sitting in the chair in front of her, “We were arguing about something, something that I have done and you went to the studio, Alex left to look for you, Shay and I stayed behind it turned 2 and we both left to look for you and Alex.” He looked down. “You two were making out when we got there.”

“No, that was you”

Jack bit his lip shaking his head slightly, “No it was Alex the whole time the alcohol made you think and see me when it was really him, he finished the drinks for you he had no control either.”

“Oh my god” Roo started crying, “Oh my god I’m so sorry Jack.”

Jack nods slightly, “I know, I can’t be mad at you because I’ve done worse way worse.” He sighed. “Shay  left.” He looked down.

Roo ignored the worst part, “This is all my fault” she said sniffling.

Jack sighed standing up making her scoot over on the bed and laid next to her stroking her hair, “Roo, it’s not. It’s mine, please stop blaming yourself?”

“How is it yours? I need to go.. I need to go talk to Shay, I need to fix this, why the hell did I leave?” Roo started crying hysterically.

Jack chewed on his lower lip nervously, “Because of me” he looked down, Roo started sobbing more.

“Do you remember what I told you when you walked out?” Jack asked quietly.


Jack bit his lip lightly wrapping his arms around her pulling her close sighing softly burying his nose into the crook of her neck, “We’ll talk more about that later” he sighed trying to not cry himself.

“I’m so sorry Jack, I never meant for any of this to happen”

Jack sighed into her neck and rubbed her back gently, “Roo, please calm down it’s not your fault I promise.”

“Just know I love you, only you.” Roo said quietly falling asleep.

Jack sighed deeply as he stared at the blank TV screen that was placed in the room as he laid there holding her only hoping Alex was okay

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