Agonizing pain soared through your body as your magic tried to undo the cuffs. Tears streamed down your cheeks as the pain subsided. A low chuckle sounded from across the room,causing you to sit up straight. A bright light switched on as the door to the room opened, revealing a rather smarmy Theo leaning against the doorway.

"What's the matter, Y/N? Can't use your magic? Struggling to get out?" He walked towards you as you struggled once more to get out. "What have you done to me, Theo? Why does my magic hurt me?" He knelt down in front of you and tapped the cuffs. "These are specially made just for you. Whenever you use your magic against them, they push it back inside your body causing you unimaginable pain."

You let out a low growl before kicking your leg out, causing Theo to fall to the floor. "You bitch!" He jumped up and stormed back over, landing a smack to your cheek, the force turning your head to the side.

"What did you expect me to do?! Say thank you for locking me up in this room because I wouldn't join you and your pack? How do you think this is going to end Theo? You know that Scott and the rest of the pack are going to be coming for me and when they get here, they're going to kick your ass. You've made a grave mistake coming after me, Theo. Just you wait."

He narrowed his eyes at you before leaning back in right up to your face. "No one is going to find you out here, Y/N. We're in the middle of nowhere. And even if they do, there's an army of chimeras waiting for them. Ready to tear them to pieces. But all of this can be avoided if you just join my pack."

You spat in his face. "Not a chance in hell." He wiped the saliva from his face and grabbed the neck of your shirt, bringing you closer to his face. "You're gonna regret that." Theo's fist swung back and hit you right in the face. Your cheek bone cracked as his fist connected, swelling up immediately. He shoved you back in the chair and walked back out of the room, leaving you in darkness once again.


A commotion outside of the door woke you from your sleep. Your cheek was throbbing and your wrists were beginning to chafe at your struggling. The light switched on and Theo stormed through the door, unlocking your cuffs and dragging you back out of the room. He attached another pair of cuffs to your wrists and tied a cloth around your mouth. "Lets go and see those friends of yours shall we?"

He pushed you down the corridor until you reached two large doors that looked as though they led to the entrance to the building. He kicked them open and shoved you in front, causing you to fall to your knees. You looked around and your eyes widened at the sight you seen before you.

Stiles and Derek were kneeling on the floor in front of you, a chimera standing behind them with their claws out, threatening to kill them if needs be. "Isn't this what I told you would happen, Y/N? If you had just joined my pack when I first asked, this wouldn't have happened. None of your friends would be in danger right now."

Tears began to flow down your cheeks as you took a slow look at your friends, defeated. You locked eyes with Stiles who was giving you a small smile, trying to tell you it'll be alright, but you knew that he was just as scared as you. However as you looked over at Stiles and Derek, you noticed that Scott was missing. A sudden surge of hope ran through your body and you secretly hoped that Theo hadn't noticed, until he motioned for two of your friends to be brought forward.

"Now, who shall we kill first Y/N? Your best friend, Stiles, or your surrogate brother, Derek?" They were both shoved at your feet and you could tell that Stiles was scared but Derek didn't bat an eye. "I swear, Theo, when I get out of these, I'm going to rip your throat out." Theo walked round you and knelt down to his level. "Are you so sure about that? Because it doesn't look as if your in the situation to make threats like that." He tapped his face before turning his attention to Stiles.

"Mr. Stiles Stilinski. The thorn in my side. I should have gotten rid of you when I had the chance." Stiles narrowed his eyes at Theo. "Oh yeah? Why didn't you?" Theo smirked and knelt down to his eye level. "Because I knew that I'd need you in my plan and it looks like I was right." He stood back up and stood behind both of them.

"So, Y/N, who's it going to be?" Before anything else could happen, a figure sped across the room and knocked Theo into the wall, knocking him off guard. "No-one, Theo."

You smiled behind your gag as Scott stood in front of you, facing the other chimeras. Derek ripped off his bindings and attacked the chimera behind him. Soon enough, the whole room had erupted into a battle. Claws and bats flying everywhere. But in all the commotion, no one had noticed that Theo had stood back up and ran back over to you, holding his claws to your throat.

"Stop, right now or I'll rip her throat out." Stiles held his hands up and dropped his bat, leaving the chimera beside him on the floor. Scott and Derek, however, let out low growls and leaped towards Theo, catching him off guard. The keys to the cuffs dropped out of his pocket and Stiles ran over to grab them, uncuffing you.

He gently took the gag out of your mouth as you rubbed your wrists. "Are you alright, Y/N? Your cheek looks pretty bad." You stood up, your hands turning a bright blue as your magic flowed through you once again. "I will be once this fucker is dealt with." You walked towards Theo, who was being held down by Scott and Derek.

"All of this, Theo, because I wouldn't join your stupid pack? You should have known that I would never betray my friends. They're my family and nothing will ever make me stray from them, no matter how much pain I go through. Remember that for when you decide to come after one of us." You blasted him with your magic, knocking him unconscious before walking away and out of the building.

You waited for everyone in the back of Stiles's jeep, arms crossed over your chest. You replayed everything over in your head as your eyes welled up. If Scott hadn't have been there and hid from everyone or if Theo had decided to act differently, the whole situation could have ended up much worse.

Derek clambered in the truck next to you as Scott and Stiles got in the front. Derek wrapped his arm around you and you were engulfed in his warm and safe embrace. You leaned on his chest and looked in front of you at the two boys, who smiled sadly at you. "Please don't look at me like that, I'm alright, I promise. I just want you all to know that there was no way I was going to join his side. You all mean too much to me to go against you all."

Stiles reached over and grabbed your hand, giving it a squeeze before turning back and starting the engine. Scott nodded his head and smiled wider as Derek kissed the top of your head in acknowledgement.

As the jeep rolled out onto the road, you closed your eyes and let the movement of the vehicle and the warmth of Derek lull you into much needed sleep.

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