#4: Fairy College

Começar do início

"Lilly just imagine a quiet and calm place. Magic can be controlled with emotions." Dimitri says behind me.

I look up and close my eyes, I imagine the beach. The waves crashing against the shore. I take a deep breath and relax. The tingles from my hand disappear.

I sit back down. "Thanks" I tell him. He sticks his hand out in front of me and helps me stand.

"Don't worry about it. I just know about these things" he shrugs and we walk back to the ship.

"My bags!?" I start running to where I left them but someone grabs my arm.

"Don't worry Ray got them." He says and we get to the ship.

"Are you okay?" Ray asked.

"I'm fine...thanks for the help and for waiting....I had a little magic trouble" I smiled shyly

"We can get going to Alfea." The raven haired boy said. "Oh where are my manners. "I'm Simon..lovely to meet you officially and conscious Miss Lilly" he took my hand and kissed it

"Oh thanks. Nice to meet you as well" I smile and pull my hand back.

"That's Brady" Simon pointed to the brunette sitting in the ship behind him. "He's just grumpy around new people....he'll warm up to you fast" I nod and mumble a thanks as we all climb in. "Oh and I almost forgot. I brought cookie back to her owner.....NOW HOLD ON" he starts flying us up and away.

We fly through a portal and pass by the boys academy. We get to this giant old fancy looking college. It has navy blue tiled roof and pale beige painted buildings. Windows everywhere it's beautiful. I see a giant courtyard full of people walk around with books and bags and floating things.

They park the car in front of the surrounding wall where this giant gate is. They park and I climb out looking at my future home. "Wow....it looks pretty normal" I say out loud

"For a magical college?" Ray jokes behind me with my bags.

"Yea....I don't know I was waiting for a mystical building. I don't know" I breath out.

The gate opens up and I see Miss Catling and this young girl next to her. "Hi Lilly I was so excited to meet you! I'm Cindy, think of me as your big sister here. I'll help you find your classes and all that fun stuff." She gave me a giant smile. She seems peppy. But nice. She had straight ginger hair past her shoulders, it's up in a half up bun and these hazel eyes.

"Come in Lilly...thank you for the help boys but I can take her from here" she starts walking off.

"Bye Lilly....I'll see you soon okay? Stay out of trouble?" Ray smiled at me giving my bags.

"Thanks Ray....I owe you" I give him a quick hug and get to Cindy.

"Is that your boyfriend?" She asks pointing back at Ray.

"Oh no no no....just a friend.....he helped me find out I was magic." I smile. Ray's just a friend. I have to focus on my magic right now.

He giggled "well his friend is hot.. that dark haired boy" Simon I laugh

"I'm not sure if he's single but his name is Simon." She smiled and repeats his name.

"Don't worry I'll get to meet him soon....now let's go! Catling is probably waiting for us" she pulls me into this building and I follow her up the stairs and down a hallway.

She opens these big double doors and it's an office where Miss Catling is sitting at her desk with some glasses of and a pile of papers in front of her.

"Perfect. Come in Lilly." She grabs a folder that was off to the side. Stands up and hands it to me. " here is your class schedule, some of our clubs, and all of your room information..." she points over to Cindy. "Cindy is going to help you adjust to this new life of yours.... She's also a first year and your roommate so I thought it would be nice for you to get to meet her ahead of time......now off you two go. I have things to do, but I will check on you later"

Wings of LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora