chapter 8

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Author's pov

Here y/n was rushing to the school making her speed to almost 140 km/perhour.

Y/n's pov

I swear to god that I'm not gonna spear them alive, just wait and watch you 7 bastards what I'm going to do to you, until then be ready (she thought while driving the car at an extremely high speed)

Author's pov

Soon enough y/n reached her school, only 50 seconds was left for her English class to start.
She hurriedly entered the school and ran straight towards her class.

And just before one fucking single second, she entered the class or to be exact she barged into the room, taking everyone's attention including sir's attention on her as well

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And just before one fucking single second, she entered the class or to be exact she barged into the room, taking everyone's attention including sir's attention on her as well.

teacher: Miss y/n, you are late, this was not expected from you, go stand outside of the class. NOW!

Y/n: Uh-huh, But sir, I'm not late, see I was here in the class before that one second ended.

Teacher: Miss y/n your excuse is not gonna work, go and stand outside!

Y/n: ok sir

Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin were silently laughing looking at y/n, while y/n was glaring at them gritting her teeths.


After two fucking hours, all student ran out of the class as their class or to be exact torture ended!
All of them left while y/n was sitting outside of the class in the corridor.
English teacher came out of the class and-

Teacher: Miss y/n, get up!

Y/n: yes sir

Teacher: I didn't told you to sit over here and just chill, you were given a punishment and plus if you remember you even have to submit your project today itself or else you aren't going home today! Did I make myself clear?
(He said scolding her)

Y/n: I'm extremely sorry sir and I promise that I will definitely complete my project and give it to you today itself.

Teacher: Good, that's what I want from you, you are one of my best Students from this school, Don't disappoint me again!

Y/n: yes sir, I won't!

The teacher left and y/n went inside her class.
The moment she got inside the class, she was welcomed by none other than our famous maknae line.

Jimin: Aww, our babysis are u ok?
(He said mocking her)

Taehyung: Hyung, please Don't tease her so much, she will start crying if we tease her more than this. Am I right babysis?
(He said laughing at her)

Jungkook: But hyung we've not even teased her this much, if you are tired now only then let me tell you one thing then it's just the start babe the show has not even started yet.
(He said glaring at y/n)

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