Chapter 6

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Y/n's pov

The moment Mr Kim's sons came I was shocked as fuck and was not able to believe my own fucking eyes!
The seven persons whom I hate the most are soon going to be MY STEPBROTHERS!

WOW, Great Just great. Sons introduce yourselves

Jin: Hello, I'm Kim seokjin, you can call me jin, the oldest one in all of them.

Suga: I'm Kim yoongi, you can call me Suga or else its better that you don't talk to me only!
(He said being not at all interested in this conversation)

J-hope: Hello, I'm Kim hoseok, you can call me hobi and I'm the third oldest in all of them.
(He said with a plain face)

RM: hello, I'm kim namjoon, the fourth oldest.
(He said plainly)

Jimin: I'm Kim Jimin, the fifth oldest.
(He said glaring at me)

Taehyung: I'm Kim Taehyung.
(He said coldly)

Jungkook: I guess I don't need to introduce myself coz you already know who I am! Right y/n? oh so you have both met earlier?

Jungkook: Yes!
Y/n: No!
(They both said at the same time glaring as if they will rip each other apart in seconds.)

Y/n's mom guessed that the atmosphere is becoming a little too tight and not comfortable at all because of which she decided to lighten up everyone's mood!

Y/n's mom: uh-huh....... kids forget this, anyways actually I made some cookies for you all, would you taste and tell how is it?
(She said taking a tiffin out of her bag)

 kids forget this, anyways actually I made some cookies for you all, would you taste and tell how is it? (She said taking a tiffin out of her bag)

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The elders ones knew that no one's gonna answer to y/n's mom so they took the initiative and stepped forward.

Jin: yes Mrs.choi we would really love to eat your cookies.
(He said coming forward and taking one cookie from the box)

The moment Jin ate the cookies, he realised that the flavour is exactly the same as thier mother used to cook!
He got teary-eyed while remembering about his mother

All his brothers got tensed when they saw their one and only hyung like this!

Suga: Hyung?!
(He said worriedly)

Jin:huh?what happened?
(He said after composing himself)

Y/n's mom: Son, you didn't liked my cookies?

Jin: No-No Mrs.choi, it's not at all like that, I really liked them Infact, I loved them!
(He said all smiling)

Y/n's mom: Thank you son!

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