Chapter 21

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When Jane returns from the bathroom she settles into bed with Nik, snuggling her backside up against the man. Nik wraps one arm around her, holding his phone so both are able to see. Nik scrolls through video after video, unable to find anything interesting. He stops on one video for a moment, the thumbnail catches his eye. 

Before he decides whether he wants to watch it, Jane has already clicked the video. It's a true crime video discussing a serial murder case. "Is this really what you want to watch this late at night? This seems like a bad idea to be honest." Nik pauses the video as soon as the ads disappear, hoping to dissuade her.

"Why shouldn't we? I love this stuff. People can be so fucked up. Are you scared Nik? Don't worry, I'll protect you." Jane teases him before starting the video up. 

"I'm not scared. I just don't want to wake up in the middle of the night to you screaming because you decided that watching this terrifying shit was a great idea." 

Jane falls asleep within minutes of watching the video. 'How on earth can someone sleep through something like this?' Nik ponders. He plugs his phone in and turns off the lights before scooching back into bed behind Jane. He is glad to have someone to share his bed with. He would not have been able to fall asleep on his own after watching that video, but she didn't need to know that. 

He closes his eyes and falls asleep listening to the sound of Jane's breathing. The following morning Jane sneaks out of bed to get breakfast started. Nik made food yesterday so it's obviously her turn to make the next meal. She sits at the kitchen table googling different breakfast recipes. The only thing she knows how to cook off the top of her head is an omelet and that isn't very fancy. She has to make fancy food to feed the fancy man. 

She settles on a recipe for brioche French toast. After collecting all of the ingredients she gets started. Nik's room is far enough away that she doesn't worry about pots and pans and the clanging of metal waking him up. Her first few pieces of French toast are a bit overcooked. Her next batch is undercooked. She can feel herself getting frustrated, so she takes a minute to calm down before trying again. 

She pulls up some tutorials on her phone about how to evenly cook the tricky breakfast food. She eventually figures out how to make it just right. She plates up the properly cooked French toast and some toppings; sliced strawberries, whipped cream, syrup, blueberries, raspberries, sliced bananas, melted peanut butter, the works. She also pours some OJ and heads upstairs, careful not to spill anything on her way up. Nik is still asleep, fortunately. Jane gently shakes him awake. 

"Nik, breakfast is done. Are you hungry?" Nik slowly opens his eyes to see the most gorgeous human in front of him. The sun peeking through the blinds outlines her perfect figure. Her brown waves fall down her back, gathering just below her waist. She is wearing a cute little pair of shorts and a revealing white t-shirt with no bra. He pulls Jane into bed with him, kissing her face softly. Jane blushes and tries to redirect his attention to breakfast. "It'll get cold if you wait too long." 

"I don't mind. I'm more interested in what I've got right here, right now." Nik kisses her lips, nibbling on her lower lip, waiting for her to grant him access to her. She squeezes her eyes closed to shield herself from the man on top of her. He is too hot, and it is too early for this. Well, it isn't entirely bad, it'll help him work up an appetite. Jane kisses back, matching Nik's movements. 

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