71 ∞ Wind and Water

Start from the beginning

Ayla forced herself to smile. "It's okay, Lina. It is. I can handle it. The Gift won't take me unless I let it. But that doesn't change what I saw, and that's something I have to deal with."

Lina stepped in front to face Ayla and grabbed the sides of Ayla's arms. "Remember this, Ayla. The Captain lived it... and he seems to have dealt with it. You can too."

"He gave himself no choice—he accepted a mission."


"Yes, the preservation of Humanity. That's what he's been doing all these years, fulfilling a mission. It's what keeps him going."

Lina nodded thoughtfully. "His Soul Stone... Well, we have a mission too, you know. Learn from his example, help me tame our new home. It's not going to be easy, and we need everyone, especially you."

Ayla smiled for Lina's sake and nodded.

"Now, what is it you're here for?"

Ayla's smile grew sincere at the question. "I don't know. I just didn't want to go back home." She side-stepped to break Lina's hold, but Lina held onto her.

"I can't let you touch that Tree, Ayla." Lina's pleading voice had a finality to it.

"We're not going to the Tree—we're going to the back of the Garden. Look, you can walk between me and the Tree if you want. We'll stay far away from it."

"What's there, Ayla?"

"You'll see. Do you remember the swim lessons we had as children?"

"Yes, but what has that got to do with anything?"


Lina cocked her head, eyes roaming. "What's that sound?"

"Come on, find out."

Ayla broke Lina's hold this time when she stepped forward. Lina stepped beside her and as agreed, she stayed between Ayla and the Oak tree as they circled it, crossing the grassy area. They entered another trail, and when they emerged from the trees on the other side, Lina's jaw dropped. She looked around with round eyes, from the streams of water falling to the lagoon that stretched out before them.

"This is incredible."

Ayla observed Lina's reaction with amusement. "It is, isn't it? And more importantly, the Captain said we could make use of it."

"Use of it?"

"To swim, of course."

"You mean this is for swimming?"

Ayla nodded. "What else do you think it's for?"

"Then it's even more incredible! Uhh," Lina squinted at an area of water closer to them, "how deep is it?"

"I'm told it's not deeper than our heads if we stay at this end. Want to try it?"

"Is it cold?"

"I don't know. Go stick your toes in and find out." Ayla pushed Lina toward the stone-looking metal divide. She stepped to the edge, knelt down, and reached a hand into the clear water.

"It's warm!"

Ayla laughed as she sat down next to her, took her shoes off, and pulled up her ship pants. "Good. That takes away your last excuse to back out." With that, she dropped her legs down into the water and closed her eyes in bliss. "Oooh, that does feel nice. Come on, you've got to try this."

She kicked a foot up, sending water drops Lina's way. Lina dodged backward and fell onto her rear end, laughing. She took her shoes off, got back on her feet, tied up her skirt, and rolled her pants up over her knees. Then she sat next to Ayla and dropped her feet in. Together, they leaned back onto their elbows and swished their feet, enjoying the comfortable silence.

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 2:  A Captain's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now