✯Twenty-Six✯ - Friendly Dinner

Start from the beginning

Alexa shook her head, a smile still on her lips. She must have found Gideon's discomfort to be rather amusing. "Of course not. I just wanted to see where Savannah spends her daily life, since she did the same with me." Gideon opened his mouth to speak more, but she was quick to shush him with her index finger on his lips. "There's nothing you would say that would change my mind. It's something I really want to do."

From where Teresa sat opposite her, she saw an expression on Savannah's face she could guess was, guilt?

Yeah. Either Teresa is losing her touch in reading people, or Savannah and Jacob were two hard to read and understand.

"Savannah," Jacob spoke next after Alexa's last word left a loud silence that would deafen one's ear. Savannah's gaze shifted on Jacob. "The first time I saw you four days ago, I thought I had seen or heard you from somewhere. But earlier today I did a Google search on you. Savannah Rivera, the lady who saved and brought back the life of Tommy Jones."

Savannah looked thankful for the new distraction Jacob just provided, but that doesn't mean Gideon's frown or saddened state disappeared.

But the new information from Jacob capture she and Gideon's attention, while Alexa's face showed recognition. Though those words from Jacob sounded familiar. Teresa could remember little of Alexa telling her about something like that. Things like this doesn't keep Alexa's mouth shut, she would talk about them for weeks. Teresa couldn't blame herself for paying little attention then, she had just received news of her grandmother's death.

Teresa could remember when the news of Tommy Jones, the A-list movie star falling from a three story building, had scattered through the entire internet two years ago. It was said to be revealed he had been in the house care for months and there was less hope for him ever walking, or functioning back to his normal self.

But less than a year ago, the sudden news of his recovery shattered the internet. She could vividly remember a doctor's name being mentioned, and to realize it was Savannah all along surprised her greatly.

Savannah smiled a little, her cheeks staining in what Teresa believes to be embarrassment. "I only did my job. And Tom was really a good patient who cooperated. If it weren't for that, I'm not sure how things would have turned out."

Alexa's dramatic voice took over from where her sister stopped. "Are you kidding me? You practically turned to a celebrity doctor overnight, I even heard you would be having your own reality show," She said in bewilderment, removing her gaze from Savannah to gaze at the others. "Let me tell you all, her followers on Instagram are kicking my five hundred and sixty thousand followers to the ground." Alexa spoke proudly.

"A reality show?" Gideon spoke in wonder. "You must be that good to have such an opportunity."

Savannah shrugged while having a sip from her glass. "It came rather surprisingly."

"Well duh! Tommy wasn't the only patient you treated. All your patients came out well and healthy. All were successful. So I wouldn't be surprised." Alexa spoke again, her normal talkative mouth not leaving anything a mystery.

"I'm happy for you." Teresa said, smiling at the beautiful lady opposite her who was quick to return the gesture.

"Thank you." Savannah muttered before returning her attention to her meal.

"How long will you stay in Texas?" Gideon asked the question that was probably disturbing his thought ever since Alexa's announcement.

Alexa averted her gaze away from her meal. "Five days. Don't worry I'm not leaving you ever. You're mine and no one else would have you. I love you" She said while pulling Gideon's chin for a deep long kiss.

"Love you too sunshine." He mutters his lips still on Alexa.

The time spent with Alexa and Gideon, Teresa has come to realize how much they both really love each other. A feeling Teresa wishes she would have with someone.

Teresa shifted her eyes on Jacob to realize his gaze was on hers. A message was passed between them both. There was no way they were both ending the night without having a taste of what was brewing between tonight.

She couldn't help giving him a brief kiss, having a little taste of the wine from his lips.

The night couldn't get any slower than normal.


Thank you for reading Jacob's Game!!!

This chapter is just to give an insight of what is to come in all of them life.
The sad part is yet to come. Just please don't hate me.

Also Jacob's Game will be coming to an end probably this week. And Accidental Mrs will begin it's upload next week.

The main reason I didn't update yesterday was because of a really disturbing headache I had, it prevented me from writing or concerning on anything.

Also don't forget to Vote and Comment your thoughts on this chapter!!!

Lots of love,

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