Start from the beginning

[The Fourth wall is warning Kim Dokja.]

[The Fourth wall is squirming seeing the curtain.]


Alyona was polishing her sword waiting for Kim Dokja so they can sleep already Until a glowing portal opened below her. It was a very familiar portal, before she can react she was sent falling face first on hard pavement. "Ouch! What the hell?!" She scanned the room and saw a dim light from afar... The room was dark and cold.

The room was so frigid she shivers, As she neared the light, a lone chair was sitting idly underneath the light bulb. "Hello, Alyona..." A figure behind a thick curtain spoke. "Who are you?" She tried to approach the chair but was pushed back by an unknown force to sit on the creaking chair.

"Alyona, I will give you two questions and you will answer them honestly..." Alyona tried to protest but was unable to do so, "Is the progress of the stone going fine?" Alyona quirked her eyebrow and scoffed. "Why do you want to know that-" An electric wave was sent on her arm and ground her down to the floor. 

"Fuck!!! You bitch!" The figure behind the curtain sipped on her iced coffee before asking again. "Is it going fine or it's all futile?" Alyona sat again and answered this time. "It's going fine, though I'm dying and I don't know what's going to happen to me after I-" The figure spoke again, cutting her unnecessary monologue.

"If you ever die, would prefer to be the strongest but can't help the party members, or die and forget your memories while you return to them... This question is very important because the course of events in the future will surely rely on your answer..." an ominous feeling encompasses her body.

"What?" The figure sighed and wrote down something. "Your answer?" Alyona was confused but can't help and said her answer. "A bit of both?" The figure beside the curtain nodded and wrote down something. "Bonus question... Do you see yourself lasting in a relationship with Dokja?" The girl was silenced.

"Not really... I mean I do feel something for him, but I think in the current predicament we're in, there's bound to happen between us..." The figure wrote something again... "I hope for the best of you..." Alyona stood up and attempt to reach for the black curtain. "Who are you?-" The same portal opened and plopped her on their shared bed. Kim Dokja was already there fixing the pillows. "So you went there too?" The gal nodded silently.


Yoo Junghyuk was repeatedly slashing the air with his sword, just then the sudden urge to eat dumplings, he went back inside the kitchen and saw very enticing dumplings placed on a bamboo steamer. Now, he wasn't one to eat foods made by strangers for the fear of them not tasting good or anything.

But the smell droves him crazy, he approaches it and tried one. "It's not that bad..." Liar, he love what I did. He just can't accept that others are good cooks aside from him. So back to the regressor, he was already on his 10th piece when a glowing portal opened before him.

"Huh-" The portal grew larger and absorb him, he was sent to a dark desolate room, but what catches his attention was the smell of dumplings. When he tried to look around, a single light shone down on a table brimmed with dumplings. "Hmm, I suppose it isn't bad to try some..." Liar I know he's gonna finish all that.

Seriously, that gluttonous, cold-blooded, handsome, and hot regressor does be like that sometimes. SMH...

Back to the scene, he approached the table and sat down on the chair beside it. He ate to his heart's content and ignore all his problems just once, he supposed it wasn't that bad to indulge in his cravings sometimes... "Hello, Incarnation Yoo Junghyuk." He stopped his eating and looked around.

There's a dark curtain draped in front of him, and a figure sitting in a chair was talking to him. "I will ask you several questions and while you eat you have to answer or you will choke and die..." The thought of dying didn't scare him at all. "Okay, If you don't answer at all every time you eat dumplings it will turn into sand in your mouth..." Yoo Junghyuk sighed and slumped into the creaking chair.

"Okay," he put the dumpling in his mouth and waited for the questions. "Would it bother you if ever Alyona catches any romantic feelings for you?" He choked on his dumpling and coughed. "Yes, she was the weirdest and most annoying person I've met..." The figure wrote something down. "If ever she returned with her memories wiped, would you help her retrieve it?" Yoo Junghuk gulped the dumpling in his mouth before answering.

"What do I get in return?" The figure stop writing and sighed loudly. "Jerk, I hope you choke..." The figure 'whispered' to themselves. Yoo Junghyuk heard it but gave it no mind as he finishes half the portion of the dumplings on the table. "Last question, do you think you can handle the power of the infinity stone she was planning to give?"

Yoo Junghyuk stop eating and thought it over, "Of course." He wasn't sure also. But hey! It's free power who would say no to this? "You can, you're right. That's if you entered the 5th stage of being a transcender that is..." He nodded in enlightenment and stood up. The table was all cleared now...

Soon, the same glowing portal opened. He was back in the same position earlier, he saw the tray of still hot dumplings and ate the remaining pieces before exiting the kitchen. The questions asked of him were still etched in his mind. No, actually he was brooding if he could go back there again and see a new set of dumplings readied for him...


Han Sooyoung was writing down something on her notepad when a chilling feeling pass on her body, she looked down and saw a portal below her chair. Before she can react she was sucked inside the portal and was sent rolling down the hard pavement. A few scratches show on her face... She examined the place she was in and was confused...

Soon, a light appear in front of her and she followed it, The light bulb showed quite dimly and only lit the chair under it. She sat down in the chair as if she had the urge to do so, "Where the fuck am I?" A voice resounded in the place she was in, and only then did she realize thick curtains covered the entirety of the room.

Soon, a figure of someone was seen behind the curtains sitting on a chair with a notepad and a pen. "Hello, Incarnation Han Sooyoung... I brought a few questions for you." She furrowed her brows and sat down. "Who are you?" The figure didn't respond, it just continuously jot down the pad they had in their lap.

"Do you think Alyona is a threat or just basically no one?" Han Sooyoung sighed and sat like a rag doll on the chair, "Where do these questions come from-" The figure put down her pad and faked coughed loudly. "Answer?" Han Sooyoung racked her brains for an answer. "She was a scary someone when provoke yes... but I don't see her as a threat? I mean there are these dangerous vibes, yes, but I saw her more of an... ally?"

The figure nodded and wrote something down, "If ever Alyona asks something big for you... Would you accept or deny it?" Han Sooyoung shrugged her shoulders. "Depends on what she asks for," The figure wrote something down again. "What if she offers one of the things that gives her the ultimate power... would you accept it with the chance of not surviving?"

Han Sooyoung was taken aback, "I want to live... But it's free power why would I say no?" The figure wrote something down again, Han Sooyoung had a thought "Are you the author of Ways of Survival?" The figure stopped writing all at once. "I wish I was... Now goodbye Han Sooyoung." she tried to stand up but she was sucked into the same hole again back to her room.

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