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It was like Scaramouche was waiting for you the entire time.

"How did you know I would come?"

"You're quite the inquisitive and curious little lady...aren't you, precious? It was obvious that you would come running to me."

You sat around a round table, and you tugged your shawl so that it covered your chest, remembering that you weren't wearing a bra and that Scaramouche might look.

He poured you a drink.

"Is this alcohol...?" you asked,

"Only a small bit. I got fruit juice just in case..."

He places a jug of juice as an alternative beside the wine bottle.

You lift up the glass of alcohol and looked at it from various angles.

"Don't worry, I haven't poisoned it..."

He drank a bit himself.

"You have to believe that I wouldn't harm you in any shape or form...Tartaglia would eviscerate me if I did anything of the sort..."

You remembered the Delusion incident from 3 years.

"That incident was an order from the Tsaritsa, so Tartaglia couldn't exactly say anything to me."

Was this guy a mind reader?

You feel a bit uncomfy, but slowly reach out for the juice and take a sip.

"Now, Lady Y/N, I said to you earlier today that I can make you something big in the Fatui, didn't I? I'm not gonna back down on my offer..."

He smiled at you again.

"How would you like it if you became my underling instead of Tartaglia's...?"

Your head went dizzy.

"Wh-What..?" You smile uncertainly.

"You heard me. I can take you to new levels, more than him. He wants to keep you as his pretty lady, which is understandable, I mean he loves you, he wants you to be safe...but come on, Y/N! You're in the Fatui for the danger, the adventure, consider it...!"

He stood up all of a sudden, his small figure suddenly becoming 10 feet taller.

"What if I can make you the strongest in the Fatui...?"

He pondered this for a while, walking up and down past you multiple times.

"I promise you, I can make you the most powerful. You'd be able to take on anything. Recognition from the Tsaritsa...it'll be a dream..."

He grinned, a little darkly this time, and you don't know why you decided to trust him.

You were always up for danger and excitement anyway.

On the other hand, he can't hurt you.

This was going to be fun.

You rolled your eyes and stuck your hand out, to which he accepted and shook it.

"Deal. What's your master plan then?"

"I need you to swear on Tartaglia's life that you'll listen to me no matter what."

This was a big, major red flag.

But you decided it was fine.

"I swear on Tartaglia's life that I'll listen to you no matter what." You crossed your heart.

"We're going to Inazuma. I'll commission you via the Tsaritsa."

"W-Wait what?!"

"You swore you'd listen to me no matter what...!"

Codename: Tsaritsa | A Sequel to "Codename: Childe"Where stories live. Discover now