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"Tea and biscuits, my lady?"

The "good cop" guard, Sharkur, from earlier, said with a gracious smile as he set down a small tea set.

"Thanks! Just call me Y/N..."

Sharkur bowed.

"And you can call me Sharkur. As long as Master Scaramouche deems you a close friend, you will always be welcomed by me and Gordon. Right, Gordon?"

The "bad cop", Gordon, shrugged.

"Don't mind him..." Sharkur whispered gently to you, his smile still plastered on his face.

You giggled.

"It's okay. Come, have tea with me! There's more than one cup in a tea set for a reason~!"

At this, Sharkur suddenly became anxious.

"Oh, no, I couldn't possibly do that...it's okay, ma'am, I've had my tea before we boarded-"

But you had already pushed a cup full of tea his way.

"Have another one."

Sharkur looked around before finally sitting down, albeit still on edge.

"Eh...um, this is most improper, having tea with a guest of Master Scaramouche's-"

"Master Scaramouche is so busy that he can't even entertain his own guests...you're doing him a favour. Besides, this ain't his tea, it's mine, I can give it to whoever I want to!"

You motioned towards Gordon.

"You too, Gordon!".

Gordon shuffled closer.

You take a sip of your tea and look out the front deck for a while over the vast blue sea...

The line where the sky meets the sea seemed to blur before your eyes.

You take a look back, and half your biscuits are gone.


Sharkur and Gordon had scoffed them.

"Have you two not had any breakfast or lunch?! You must be so hungry..."

Sharkur looked a bit ashamed.

"Nope. The Master woke us up at the crack of dawn with nothing to fuel us...we're so sorry, Miss-".

"No! Have all of them! Honestly, Scaramouche shouldn't treat you both like that, you poor things. Ajax would never treat his subordinates like that..." you say the last sentence under your breath as you lean back, a frown on your face.

"We should reach Inazuma in a few hours!" called the captain from the cockpit of the ship.

"Alrighty!" you said.

Sharkur couldn't stop thanking you enough for the tea and biscuits.

"Hopefully you'll stay safe in Inazuma. Me and Gordon wish you the best of luck!".

This was the first time you got to study Sharkur properly.

He had brown, tousled hair that fell over his eyes, blue eyes just like ice, but at the same time had warmth radiating from them. His jawline was prominent, his body muscular, and overall he was movie-star handsome. You wondered if he had a girlfriend.

He was in his early 20s as far as you knew.

"Thank you! And when this is all over, we can always have a chat just as friends! No Fatui business!"

"Sounds good to me! Let's make it a deal!"

The two of you shook hands.

Gordon couldn't really care less, so you decided to let his grumpy ass be.

Codename: Tsaritsa | A Sequel to "Codename: Childe"Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum