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You were on a rocking boat, in the cold, cold bottom deck, on the hard, wooden floor, desperately craving any warmth, as the thunder outside roared.

"Y/N, Y/N!"

You couldn't physically see him, but his voice rang in your ears.

"Y/N! Come back! Don't trust him! Don't trust the Harbingers! The Fatui! Don't-!"

The boat submerged underneath the water, and you felt the ice cold water quickly filling the small cabin you were huddled in.

"Ajax...!" You whispered.

You were unable to breathe.

You hear Ajax's voice again, this time much softer, as if he was disappointed, heartbroken.

"It's never too late..."

A flash of light sears your eyes and suddenly you're in darkness.



You wake up to Sharkur's calming voice.

Your eyes adjust to the odd new room, slowly focusing on Sharkur's face.

"My lady... it's time you woke. Miss Kamisato and her brother are awake and moving around quietly as not to disturb you. We wouldn't want to inconvenience them."

You lazily sit up, as Sharkur gently places a tray laden with food on your lap.

"A delightful Inazuman breakfast made specially by Mister Thoma for you."

"Thank you, Sharkur.." your slurred voice sounded, still a bit disoriented from the unpleasant sleep you had.

You hadn't slept well.

You dig in, as Sharkur sits beside you, like a diligent student.

"I believe the Kamisatos have no further use to us, now that the Traveler is out of their sight. I asked Mister Thoma, and he said he hadn't seen the Traveler nor knows where they went. Our search has to continue elsewhere."

"Huh...?" you say, looking at Sharkur lazily, your mouth half full.

He smiled.

"Sorry, you have just awoken, my lady. Basically, we have to search for the Traveler ourselves."

"Great news, Sharkur. Just what I needed."

You rolled your eyes as you eat a Lavender Melon.

"This stuff is great, by the way. Send Mister Thoma my thanks..."

Sharkur nodded.

He softly smiled to himself.

"What a princess Sir Tartaglia has..."


You get dressed in your Fatui attire and do your hair in a tight ponytail.

Today, you were going to make progress.

"Alright, Sharkur! Let's go find that Traveler!"

"And their Flying Lavender Melon!"


However, when you walk outside, those high spirits slowly dissipate.

You find Ayaka in high levels of distress, with another man in pajamas trying to calm her down.

"Hey, it's okay. Shhh...we'll do something about it..."

"There's NOTHING we can do about it, Ayato...! He's gonna get his Vision taken off him and his life will never be the same...! Why did it have to be him?! Why couldn't it be me...?!"

Codename: Tsaritsa | A Sequel to "Codename: Childe"Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang