Socially Suicidal Human

863 44 13

"CHLOEEEEE!!! A-A-A-Are- Are you hurt!?" The hero asked in a panic. Hm... He could really make a scary face.

"N-no..." The little girl answered while sweat dropped.

"Thank God...." The hero slumps down while saying that. It looks like he's worn out.

"Oy, you better keep your promise." I calmly stated while still drenched in blood. Wiping them is quite a bother so I'll just jump to a lake later or use material creation for things...

"Hm? What promise?" To my surprise, the self-proclaimed hero stated this.

Of course, I don't even need to flaunt my magicules to show how angry I am. "Hoo? You don't value your life, do you?"



"Sorry, Chloe-chan... I was going to let you eat the cake but..."

"It's fine, nii-san. Rather... Won't it taste better if we eat it with more people?" At that moment, the child radiates a glimmer of innocence.

"Kuh-! You're really a good kid, Chloe-chan!!!"

"Hurry up there, I'm hungry." I stated.

"You're really something, brat!!" (Masayuki)

The hero then looks at his other companion, "Yoshida-san... Please bring out our food."

"Sure thing, lad" The bulky chef in armor took something from his huge bag.


It's almost impossible to believe... In this medieval world of magic... Such confection existed!?

Sugar is valuable...this must be a hell of a waste of money. I'm not complaining though.

A slice of golden cake, the burnt on the outside spread evenly so that it doesn't look like the cake was burnt at all... And chunks of cheese are scrambled equally— minding their location to not bump with each other whenever I took a bite.

But that is not all...

A chocolate sauce. No... It's a whipped Ganache.

You are using them as whipped cream on top, but they are chocolate.

Who knew such a dish existed in this God-forsaken world... For how long had I looked for an otherworlder stray that could reproduce such confections... I never expected that I would meet one now.

Chocolate whipped cream on top of Cheesecake... It is such a simple dish, yet it serves me with memories of the past modern world...

"Hiks... How is it, kid? It's good enough to kill for don't you think? Chloe-chan's chocolate cream is great too..." These are Masayuki's words, he's crying while saying so.

"Ha ha ha! Chloe-chan is getting better and better at baking. I'm quite proud" These are the words voiced by the chef in the group, Yoshida Kaoru-san.

That comment caught my attention, "Huh, you made this?" I asked the little girl.


Huh... That brought a smile onto my face, "You did well, servant."

"That's right, that's right— Wait, WHOM ARE YOU CALLING SERVANT!?" (Masayuki)

The banter goes on while the little girl gave us a wry smile.


[After eating...]

A Reincarnated Slime and A Stray DogWhere stories live. Discover now