"Where are you going love?" My mum asks.

"Phil's in trouble" I say franticly.

"Who's Phil? Is he okay?" She looks concerned.

"My... friend..." I don't know if she'll react like the guy and Phil's Mum.

"I have the feeling you mean boyfriend" her eyebrow arches and she smirks.

"Yes, I mean boyfriend" I give up "he's in trouble, I need to go"

"Call me if you need anything" she calls after me. Why is my mum so understanding? I really must give back to her. That can wait for now though.

I call a taxi and it arises in about 5 minutes. 5 minutes too long.

"Ellis Green" I shout. I'm too close to crying for comfort.

"In a hurry I see?" The driver asks.

"Very much so" I reply and he laughs. I call Phil. The phone rings and rings before eventually Phil picks up.

"Phil! ARE YOU YOU OKAY!?" I ask franticly.

"Phil's fine. And he was fine without you"

"Who is this?" I ask, confused.

"His stepfather, Steve. Now leave him alone" stepfather? Phil didn't say that..?

"No! Where is he?" I hear him laugh before he hangs up.
I sit in silence with my eyes shut, trying desperately not to cry. Why did I fall in love with a guy with homophobic parents?

"15 please" the taxi driver asks. Who pays £15 for a ride down 3 streets? I throw the money at him before climbing out of the car and looking around urgently.

"PHIL!" I shout. An old lady and her little dog walk past at an excruciatingly slow speed.

"Hello? Have you seen a man about yay high" I gesture his hight "with black hair and blue eyes?"

"No deary" she replies before walking on. I run to the door I front of me and ask the people that live the there same thing. No. I repeat this down the street but no one knows where Phil is. I end up at a neat cut, Victorian style house with a black door. I knock and a middle age woman answers.

"Hello dearest" she smiles warmly.

"Hello! Have you seen a man about yay high with black hair and blue eyes?" I ask, desperately.

"Can I ask who's asking?" her attitude has changed for he worst. She's now giving me a very dirty look. A muscly dwarf comes up to her and puts his arm around he her waist, which comes up to his shoulder.

"Who's this, love?" He asks.

"I'm Dan. Please, have you seen him? His name's Phil, if that's any help" I'm really getting desperate now.

"Dan?" His eyebrows go up. I recognise his voice. Where from though? It then clicks.

He was on the phone!

"What did you do to him!?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"Nothing" he laughs "he just doesn't want to see you right now"

"Oh piss off, does he not" I give him the fakest laugh I could muster.

I push my way past them and storm into their house.

"What are you doing in my house!?" He yells.

"Steve, this isn't your house. It's mine" Phil's mum tells him, she seems to have a change in mood, again. Is this woman on her period or bipolar or something?

"Where is he?" I order.

"In the living room dear" she tells me "though I don't recommend you go in..."

I don't listen to the end of the sentence before I open random doors looking for Phil. I find him laying lifeless on a red sofa, his arm laying limply off of the edge.

"Phil?" I whisper.

He doesn't move. What happened? I big red mark is across his cheek and there's a huge bandage around his head.

"What the hell happened to my boyfriend?" I glare right into Steve's eyes but he just laughs.

"Boyfriend? Who's that?"

"Steve! Stop!" Phil's mum orders but he pays no attention.

"You have no right to be in my- this house!"

"You have no right to beat Phil!" I cry.

"Get out!" He shouts.

"You get out!" Phil's mum yells.


"He obviously cares about Phil if he came all this way to find him, then he's standing up to you and is demanding answers!" Steve looks speechless.

"Who's side are you on?" He whispers.

"My child's. He's right. He can love Dan if he wants. I know it's hard, it's hard for me, but this is his life. You can't just beat it out of him!"

I walk over and put my arm around her shoulder to try to calm her down.

"We should get him to a hospital" a tear leaves her eye and she doesn't try to stop it. Steve does a weird shuffle like thing as he walks out of the door.

"Yeah, I'll bring him to the car" I reply and walk over to Phil.
I pick him up wedding style and walk quickly out to the vehicle. I lay him in the back seat of the car and climb in next to him. I lay Phil's head on my lap and stroke his hair on the ride to the emergency area of the hospital.

"Will he be okay?" My voice cracks at the end, I can't stand seeing Phil like this.

"He'll be fine" Phil's mum smiles at me, but she doesn't sound too sure herself.

We pull into a parking space, after Phil's mum circles the car park multiple times, searing for a space to leave the car and to get Phil inside. I carry Phil into the reception. Phil's mum explains what happened, but she won't let me hear.

"Right, he'll need to go to the main Doctor right away" the nurse looks very concerned, as two men lay Phil on a bed to wheel him away.

I give in and start silently crying, while watching Phil's breathing get slower as he's wheeled away into a dark room.

Nothing in this world works out the way it should.


[edited this one//woah this chapters so long compared to the others.. One of the others had less then 200 words (pathetic I know) and this one has 1561 !! I'm so confused but anyway, thanks for reading and stuff. I love you all! Even ghost readers, I see you 😏 ] xx

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