Chapter 6

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Both Adam and Kurobin are in the spare room making the bed and setting everything up, Kurobin looks at Adam and lets out a small sigh then leaves the room in a hurry without saying a word to Adam. Adam watched him leave and hung his head in shame, all he could think about was how much Kurobin needed him when he was younger.

A small tear started to run down Adams face but he quickly wiped it away incase Kurobin came back and saw it. Adam finished making the bed as set his sword down leaning it against the side of the bed, he too his mask off and let it on the bed side table and headed towards the door to find his son. Suddenly he could hear talking downstairs, he stopped in the doorway and listened for a few minutes.

He could work out 4 voices, one he knew was his sons the other three didn't sounds familiar to him, he listened a bit more to see if he could work out what was going on, he could make out a few words.

"He's here?" Was heard from one of the unfamiliar voices, Adam could hear it was a female voice and started to wonder if it was Kurobins wife. He closed his eyes for a second to try work out more of what was behind said but he could quite work it out all he heard was "I......not long........get rid" a broken sentence but it clearly meant someone didn't want his to stay here for a long time.

Adam opened his eyes again and to his suprise a young boy was staring at him, Adam took a small step back and just looked at him. Suddenly loud footsteps were heard as if someone was running up the stairs.

"Son get back here now" a young female appeared at the top of the staircase, Adam looked at here and then to the pictures behind her, it was Kurobins wife and what must be his son as well. She grabbed her son and carried him away from Adam. "You don't wanna go near that man, I don't ever wanna see you go near him ok" the son looked at his mum and nodded his head to say he understands then they both walk downstairs.

Adam turns around and walks into his room and shuts the door then goes and sits on his bed. He puts his head in his hands and starts to question himself and why everyone seems to be against him. 'why, why does everyone seem to hate me, all I wanted to do was make everything better for us. For me and Blake, for Kurobin and his mother but clearly people can't see my side of things' he lays down and closes his eyes for a second, next thing he knows he has fallen asleep.

A few hours passed, it was now early morning, the whole house was quiet, everyone might have gone to bed. Adam was suddenly woken up by a loud bang that sounded like it came from downstairs, he sat up and quickly grabbed his stuff including his sword and headed downstairs to see what was going on.

He looked around in the different rooms to see who or what was there, all the rooms except one were normal. He walked into the kitchen and saw a letter had been left on the table, he picked it up and saw it was addressed to Kurobins wife next to it was a rose petal, a red rose petal. He dropped the letter and looked around quickly to see if anyone was still in the room. No one.

He looked at the letter again and saw the symbol of the letter G. Adam couldn't believe his eyes, it's the same symbol that he found in another letter a few days back, this means he is not even safe staying with his son.

Faint footsteps could be heard in the distance, someone was still around.

A huge green sword came flying towards Adam, he wasn't quick enough to dodge it and the hit destroyed his aura straight away, he thought to himself 'thats not good' he looked for where the sword came from and who threw it but no one could be seen, he headed in one direction hoping it was the right one where no one was hiding, he was trying to escape the situation without causing damage to the house.

He managed to make it to the tree line without running into someone, he thought he was in the clear when suddenly a tall figure appeared behind him, he was covered in green armour the same green the sword was, this must be the person who threw the sword. A voice was then heard "yatsu are you ok" sounded like a young female that he had heard before. Red rose petals then filled the air something was speeding around him very quickly, a clash of metal was then heard, a red sythe was being blocked by Adams sword, he managed to over power the sythe user and knocked them back a little, a figure could be seen now, it looked the same as the figure he was fighting before he found his sons house, Ruby rose was standing right Infront of him he looked to the left of the girl and saw another sythe was being wielded by another girl, this sythe was almost the same as Ruby's but it was glowing blue. The other girl had what seemed to be bunny ears.

Ruby looked at the other sythe user "you ready Velvet!" The girl looked and nodded. Together they both flew towards Adam sythes ready to swing, Adam put his sword in the sheath and saw he could make one last semblance attack before having to recharge. He got ready to use his semblance and waited for both girls to be close enough to get most of the impact, he pulled his sword out and swang it towards to girls a red line of power came towards Ruby and Velvet at high speed, they werent quick enough to move out the way and both got hit by it knocking them back into the forest at a safe enough distance for Adam to only have to worry about the tall guy in green.

Adam looked to see where to tall guy had gone and saw he was heading towards the house.

"NO!" Adam shouted as he started to run towards the house.

Yatsu went inside he grabbed his sword and headed to where Kurobin and his wife were sleeping. Adam ran after him and got up the bedroom just after Yatsu, he had picked up Kurobins wife who was now awake and they left in a hurry towards where Ruby and Velvet were recovering from the attack. Kurobin was also awake now and just watched his wife leave with strangers he didn't even know, there was nothing he could do about it even Adam wasn't ready to fight Yatsu.

The watched as the group walked into the forest deeper and towards the way of a school that was local, that school was a huntsman and huntress academy called Beacon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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