Chapter 2

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Adam headed back to his small tent, the battle with Blake and Ruby was painful for him, not physically but emotionally. Blake left him once without saying anything and now she's come back to stop him. How she was planning to do that was unclear but it clearly had something to do with that Ruby girl.

Blake got off the ground holding her arm as she landed on it when she fell, she sighed and picked up the parts of her weapon. She walked off in the direction Ruby went earlier. After a few minutes of walking she met up with Ruby, Weiss and Yang.

"This is going to be harder than I thought" Blake said to the rest of her team. Ruby looked at her.

"We are in this together and I'm sure there will be many others to join us too"

Yang and Weiss both nodded at blake to agree with Ruby. Blake smiled at them and they headed of home to help Blake recover.

Adam set down wilt and blush next to his bed and sat down, he sighed a little and took off his grimm mask setting it down next to his weapon. Why did Blake suddenly come back into his life? He wants answers but he knows he will have to find them the hard and painful way, fighting to get what he wants like always.

His scroll vibrated in his pocket, he took it out and looked at what the notification was. It read 'perimeter has been breached' he sighed again and picked up his gear.

"I never get a break" he said quietly to himself, he put his mask back on and walked out the tent heading towards the area that had been breached.

As he approached the area he saw a few beowolfs walking around, behind them were two ursa majors. He drew his sword and prepared to kill some grimm.

He uses his sword and slices one beowolf in half killing it straight away, the other grimm notice Adam and head over to him. Adam shots a few of the other beowolf hurting them a little then finishes them off with one swing of his sword, he runs towards one of the ursas and cuts one of its legs causing it to collapse, he then stabs it through the head killing it, the other ursa goes to attack with its claws, it misses and Adam cuts its paw off. The ursa screams then goes to attack him again with its other paw, it manages to cut Adams arm a little but not enough to make him bleed, Adam shots some fire dust bullets at it causing it to be confused by the gun fire, he then goes up behind it and stabs it in the head, killing it. All the grimm corpses disappear into the fine black dust and the area is clear again.

He heads back to his small tent but on the way he spots a figure in the distance.

"who can this be now? " he said to himself as he stared at the figure. The figure runs off into the distance too far for Adam to see. One thing he could work out was that they were wearing a hood to cover their head.

"it better not be that Ruby girl again" he said with anger growing in his voice.

When he got back to his tent he saw the area had been raided. He couldn't work out who would have raided a small white fang base but who ever it was they were going to taste Adams sword.

He scaned the area to see if any clues had been left or if any white fang members he had at the site with him were around, nothing. He heads to his tent that is leaning slightly at an angle, inside he finds a small note, he walks over to it and picks it up. The note read 'we know who you are, we will stop you' at the bottom was just a single letter, the letter was 'G'

Adam wasn't sure who he knew that had a G at the beginning of their name, but who every it is they are clearly responsible for this mess and possibly even Blake and Ruby finding him. He wanted to get to the bottom of this and fast.

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