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Jisoo's POV

I can't sleep. It's 2:40 in the morning. Lisa isn't come back yet. Maybe she is in guestroom. I feel guilty for hurting her. This is the only choice I have. I want to give myself time. No relationship or love at this time. I understand that Lisa loves me and maybe won't hurt me as well. I just can't forget Jennie easily. No one can change her place in my heart even though she hurt me.

I feel thirsty, so go out of our room to go to the kitchen. The whole house is dark. I look over at the guest room. I don't see light from the gap of the door. I guess she is sleeping. I go straight to the kitchen. I'm about to drink water when I heard a groaning noise. I turn on the lights of kitchen and looked around but didn't found anything. I heard the groaning sound again.

"Where the hell is that sound coming from?" I said, walking out of the kitchen.

I noticed it's coming from Lisa's study room. The door is not closed. The light is on also. The groaning sounds becomes louder. My hands started to shakes in fear.

"Lisa? Is it you?" I called before opening the door fully.

My throat went dry as I saw Lisa yearning in pain. Her clothes are ripped. Hairs are covering her skin and she is getting larger in every single second. I stayed there silently. My limbs are not moving.

She suddenly look at me. Her face is now turned into a wolf. She growled loudly as I see her eyes are blue. She stand tall infront of me gnashing her ferocious and sharp teeth. My palms becomes sweaty. She suddenly howled before launching at me. I immediately closed the door and run towards upstairs. She breaks the door easily before coming after me. I run as fast as I can but I couldn't reach my room. I felt intense pain on my back. Lisa slashed my back. I fall on the floor crying in pain. I tried to crawled towards my door, she grabbed my ankle pulling me closer to her. She trapped me under her body. I'm gonna die. No one can save me.

"Please Lisa.. don't kill me-- AAAHHH!!" I couldn't finished my sentence as she bites my neck.

I jolted up on my bed, holding my neck.

"Am I dead!? Where am I?" I looked around. I'm in our room, on the bed.

I touched my back and neck to check. It's all fine. Was it a dream?

Suddenly the door opened. A very panicked looking Lisa come in.

"What happened? I heard your scream." She said, checking me if I'm okay or not.

I gulped then move away from her. The image of her turning into a werewolf playing in my head.

"What's wrong? Tell me." She asked again.

"I-I am fine. It's just a nightmare." I give her a nervous smile.

"You are not looking well. Here drink some water." She said, giving me the glass of water.

I drink it. I'm hands are still shaking in fear. Why did I had that kind of dream? I must be overthinking too much.

"You should sleep. I'll be on the couch." Lisa caress my cheek.

I lay down and close my eyes. She sit beside me, caressing my hair. I'm feeling uncomfortable by her presence.

I look up at her, "um you should sleep. I'm fine now."

"I want to make sure you are while sleeping. What if you'll get another nightmare?" She said stubbornly.

I know she will not leave me until I fall asleep. I close my eyes praying i won't have another nightmare.


Jennie's POV

I'm already in my old apartment where me and Jisoo lived once. I sighed looking through our pictures. She didn't take any of our pictures, the things I bought for her, our anniversary gifts. I opened the closet. There's nothing but my old clothes. I sit down on the bed, wiped my tears. In a matter of few months both of our life changed.

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