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Jisoo's POV

My shift is over finally. I don't need to be around that weirdo Lisa. I told Chanyeol to take my shift to check Lisa. It's almost 5:30 and I need to be in the restaurant by 6. Jennie must be waiting and the traffic is too stubborn to move.

I called Jennie a few times but her phone is busy. Maybe she is busy with something. I stopped my car in the parking lot then go inside.

"Ms. Jisoo, nice to see you. Your table is at the lake side." The manager said leading me there.

I sit down in our assigned table. I tried to call Jennie again, but still it's busy. I sighed going through Instagram. Another 20 mins passed but she is still not here. I was about to call her again, I saw her hurriedly coming in.

"Sorry sorry sorryy!!! It's because of the traf--" I hold up my hand to stop Jennie.

"Calm down and sit first." She nodded sitting down opposite to me.

"Here.. this for you." Jennie give me a bouquet of my favorite purple lavender.

I smiled as she scratched her head, smiling shyly. She is not the kind of person who will give flowers or gifts to show affection and love.

"What's up with you? First asking me for this date and now bouquet of my favourite flowers. This is so not you Jendeukie." I said giggling.

She frowned, "why? You don't like it?"

"I love it pabo." I pinched her cheeks.

She smiled brightly, then hold my both hands. "I'm sorry chu for what I said. I was really out of my idiotic mind. Even though I can't control my emotions when I'm stressed, I shouldn't be careless while talking to you. Please forgive me baby?"

My heart melts at her sincerity. She is looking at me with sad eyes.

"Hey I already forgive you. I was also being rude. Let's forget about it okay? I'm really hungry, I didn't had time to eat in hospital." I said pouting.

"What!? Yah! Didn't I told you not to skip your meal? You are so stubborn tsk tsk!" She said before ordering our foods.

As the waiter went away after taking our orders, Jennie look at me excitedly.

"I have a very good news chu!"

"What is it? You were quite excited about it on call also." I giggled as she nodded like a cute puppy.

"CEO accepted the presentation I made for the upcoming girl group debut. He invited me to the party tomorrow to discuss about somethings." I couldn't help but to gasped in surprise and happiness.

"YES!!! YOU MADE IT BABE!!" I go to her and give her a tight hug.

She laughed hugging me back. "I see you're happy now."

"Of course!! This is what we both wanted Jen!" I said Kissing her forehead.

She hugged me tighter, put her face on my tummy as I'm standing and she is sitting.

"I'm glad that you are no longer angry at me. Honestly it hurts whenever you are giving me silent treatment or ignoring me. I only have you and my dad."She said, her voice breaks at the end.

"I'm sorry for being rough on you Jen. I love you." I cupped her cheeks then kissed her lips.

Lisa's POV

I keep on waiting for Jisoo to come but it's already 8 in the night. Is she busy?

The door opened and another doctor come in. I started at him coldly.

"Hello Ms. Manoban, good evening. I'm Dr. Park, you can call me Chanyeol-" I didn't let him finish.

"Where is Dr. Kim?"

He get startled by my question.

"She went back home 2 hours ago. I'm in charge to check you for tonight." He said hold my injured shoulder.

"Will she be here tomorrow?" I asked feeling uncomfortable.

"I think so. She have other patients to look after also. If she can't make her time then me or another doctor will che--"

"NO! I WANT HER NO ONE ELSE!" I feel the rage and shouted at him angrily. She needed to be here. I want her to be close to me.

Dr. Park get scared and called some nurses.

"Ca-calm down miss please." He said trying to calm me.

I couldn't control myself, "SHUT UP!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! I WANT JISOO HERE!!"

"Hold her arms, I need to put the injection." He said taking the injection in his hand while three nurses trying to hold me.

I feel an extreme power take over me. I easily pushed away those nurses and hold his throat tightly. He hold onto my hand trying to get away from my grip, gasping for air.

I feels so good to see him in pain. How will it feel if I ripped his throat out?

"AAGHHH!!!" I feel something stabbed on my neck.

One of the nurse stabbed the injection on my neck. I released him then grabbed the nurse by her neck. The medicine is strong. I started lose my consciousness.

Author's POV

Everyone in the room are still shocked about what happened.

"Dr. Park s-she is e-evil." Mina said trembling in fear.

"N-no more words.. go back to your work." Chanyeol said then walked out of the room also scared.

He went straight to his room. He was greeted by Mr and Mrs Manoban.

"Hello Dr. Park. How's Lisa?" Mr. Manoban asked.

Chanyeol cleared his throat trying to compose himself. "Her.. condition is getting better now. The wounds are severe but it seems like her body is strong enough to get well faster."

"That's a wonderful news! Thank you so much doctor for saving her." Mr. Manoban said holding Chanyeol's hand in gratefulness.

"Uh the one who saved your daughter isn't me. It's Dr. Kim Jisoo." He said.

"Ohh!! We will thank her after meeting Lisa. Is it okay if we meet her right now?" Mrs. Manoban asked getting impatient to meet her only child.

Chanyeol gulped, "um she is sleeping right now. I'm really sorry but you need to wait for her to wake up. I give her some medicine to get a good sleep. But if you want you can visit her."

They eagerly agreed and go straight to Lisa's room. Chanyeol sit in his chair wiping his sweaty palms.

"How can she have that much strength to almost choked me to death?" He mumbled rubbing his throat still feeling terrified.

"Chanyeol did you get the file of-- oh my god! What happened to your throat?!!" Dr. Ahn gasped in surprise as she come in the room.

Chanyeol also get startled by her presence. "W-what is it?"

"There's finger mark on your throat? What happened?" She asked worriedly.

He sighed before leaning back on his chair. "It's Lisa.. she is weird. Be careful whenever you're around her." He said to Ahn who is already scared.


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