Chapter . 7

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Hello! I'm sorry that it took a while for this chapter to get out! Some stuff happened and I let myself relax/ work on my own personal projects. Again I'm sorry!

This chapter may not have the same quality as the other chapters. But hopefully you like it nevertheless!

Anyways, enjoy!

Dipper's Pov

It's been three days since that incident with Bill. Every night Bill always had made some type of dream for me. No matter is it was a nightmare or a night terror. That demon always knows how to push my buttons. Unless it's my head making them. I don't know... Dumb Bill messing around with my head.

The thing that I always confused me is that I never feel tired. Yeah, I'll wake up sweating and with my heart pounding. Even with those side effects I seem to never loose sleep from them. When I wake up I always just feel well rested and slightly uneasy. It's honestly creeps me out a bit...

Now let's talk about the whole deal with the pendant. Even though Bill said that I couldn't ditch the necklace, I at least tried... It of course didn't work. Every attempt I tried to get rid of it it just came back. Kinda like those haunted dolls in horror movies.

I'm right reading a book Mabel lend me. It was a romance mystery novel. I got to say, It's not half bad. It may have the mushy gushy romance stuff but, it's pretty mysterious... That's not a great way to put it. Let's just say it's a like a classic muder mystery story mixed with some romance.

I'm right now in the middle of a chapter when Mabel burst into the room.

"DIPPER! YOU ARE HELPING RIGHT NOW SO DROP THAT BOOK. NOW!" She ordered as she placed down a box of supplies.

I glanced up at her while I tilted the book away, "Can you turn down a notch? And why do need me so badly?"

"BECAUSE-Because, I need you to help me with my fashion project!" She rummaged through the supplies until she came across some scissors. She smiled as I cringed at those awful memories. Being in the attic with a book in my hands while my sister had sewing products brought those nightmarish memories. I shuddered slightly as I remembered the amounts of gliter used.

She squinted her eyes and pointed the scissors at me, "Why look so scared bro-bro? It's my recent project. The one that you promised to me help on. Remember?"

That's when it clicked, "Oh yeah! I remember now. You have it all finalized and ready to go?" I scratched the back of my neck slightly embarrassed.

"Yep!" She exclaimed as she yanked me up from the bed. My book fell on the covers most likely losing my place. "Woah Mabel!" I squeaked out as I tried to balance myself. She helped me out apologizing, "It's ok Mabel. Nowww what do you need me to do?"

"Well I need you to do all the measuring and trying stuff. [I truly don't know much about sewing and fashion. And I'm too lazy with researching this part. So take any of this with pinch of salt.] So you'll act as my live mannequin!"
"The design is also in your style sooo," She told me as she grabbed the fabric. "I've also invited Grenda and Candy to help out." I mentally cringed as those memories flashed again. It reminded me too much of those 'girl nights' when Mabel invited them over. Only for them to pull me along with them so they could do my makeup or play dress up. It was basically my worst nightmare at those times. Now it's not so bad. All three of them expanded on their skills. Although, Candy and Grenda didn't want fashion as their careers. But nevertheless, the three of them are great at sewing.

"Bill?" [A Billdip fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now