Chapter. 6

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Dipper Pov

"Heya Pinetree!"

"Did you miss?"

"Admit you miss me!" Bill said as his eye seemed to smile? He floated closer to me. I grimaced as he got closer and closer to me. He put his arm around my shoulder. Making no room for me to have. I jumped at the touch.

"Geez kid, jumpy much?" He questioned amused. I glanced at him with a glare. During this time I was able to supress my trembling. Since I can't seem afraid of him in front of him. But, that doesn't mean that I'm not scared of what is happening.

"I guess you won't talk either," he pouted as he let go of me floating away a bit.

"Well this will be boring if I'm the only one making conversation here sapling. One sided convoes are not great," He whined a bit waving his hands around.


"What did you say? Speak up kid."

"Why? Why-No, How am I even here!?" I snarled.

He only seemed amused by my outburst. He folded his hands infront of him.
"Well I used some of my magic to put you to sleep. Don't worry. I didn't let you fall to the ground. You sleeping snuggly to the statue version of me." Bill snickered out.

"Also why ask such an obvious question? You've been through this rodeo before."

"Because you're supposed to be dead! We killed you!"

"Well you only banished me into this stone. I evoked a old powerful God and now I'm waiting for someone to make a deal."

My mouth opened and closed not knowing what to say. My mind was racing. So many thoughts were swirling. But one question slipped out of mouth, "Those nightmares. Were they your doing?"

He put a hand beneath his eye. Thinking as if doesn't already know the answer.
"Not all of them. Some of them were on your own mind. But the ones that I actually had a conversation with you are. Basically if your mind didn't twist them. It was all by me."

"That's very vague Cipher. How am I supposed to know what dreams were made by you?"

I crossed my arms as his eye grinned again, " Well that's where the fun part is! You don't!"


"You don't kid. My dreams could be those nightmarish hells that you think about. Then it could be your mind. I don't plan on giving you a dream where we sit and talk. Maybe drink some tea and play chess. After all! Pain is Hilarious!" He seemed to frantically laugh out at that. I kept my arms crossed and thought about what he said.

"But how? How did you enter my mind? The bubble was supposed to keep you away from people. No matter if it was the mindscape or in person." I asked standing my ground.

He stopped and floated a bit closer to me. He snapped his fingers making that same old black cane appear. Bill held the cane with both of his hands and spoke, "Well that's where the God I envoked come in. Since you guys banished me to this piece of stone. I have to find a way to communicate with people. I do prefer communicating people that are in gravity falls. Since you do have those stupid travelers and, residents that can take some bait. But, they never got close to me."

"Then how did you contact me? All the way in California!?" I questioned my voice raising with anger. I knew I was talking to my sworn enemy. The one that almost killed my family but ,at this moment I almost didn't care. I almost threw that out the window. I almost did that. I still kept that thought but tred with caution. Whatever Bill is talking about may come in handy. This type of information may be useful.

"Bill?" [A Billdip fanfic]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें