Chapter. 5

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A small timeskip from the last chapter. Like about 5 days later.

Dipper's Pov




I jumped up startled. My eyes darted around frazzled. I touch my face and felt my face slightly wet and a bit sticky. I grimaced as I wiped my hand on my shirt. Taking the hem of the shirt and wiping up the sweat that gathered on my face. I let my breathing slow and felt my chest checking if my heart wasn't beating at an alarmed rate. I sat there for a bit just me letting my chest rise and fall with my hand on top of it.

I tried to remember some of the "dream" and failed miserably. I sighed letting my thoughts roll into a field of wonder. I must of fell asleep while I was writing. Since me and Mabel went out yesterday and found a weird ghost. It wasn't too hostile and Mabel got some ghost candy from the small ghost. It was most likely a kid but we couldn't be too sure. The ghost didn't speak any english but, understood us completely. I made sure to make a mental note to ask Grunkle Ford about it. He most likely dealt with one of them or at least heard about them. If not, we had another supernatural creature to fully research on.

My hand started to feel around for a book and a pen but, I only felt the soft sheet. My face converted into confusion as I stared at my lap. I'm sure that I fell asleep during my writing session. That was the only possible explanation. I turned my head around and noticed my journal on the nightstand. It was closed with the pen nicely sitting on top of it. My confusion depended and I frowned. I grabbed my journal and flipped to the last page. The date of my recent last entry was yesterday's date. My eyes squinted at the page. They skimmed to end of the passage and saw it was unfinished. A sigh escaped my lips as I closed the book. I glared at the front cover before my face went back to confusion. I decided to put the journal back where I found it.

"It must of been Mabel. She most likely saw me sleeping with it and put it up for me."
I nodded in agreement to myself as I got up from my bed. A yawn esacped as I stretched hearing some satisfying cracks. I grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom.

*small timeskip*

"So what's the agenda for today you two?" Melody asked taking a fork full of scrambled eggs.

"I'm going to hang out with Candy and Grenda. What about you Dipper?" Mabel told Melody and asked me.

I took a sip of my orange juice. I thought about what I could do. There wasn't really much that was planned today. Maybe I could go into town or go searching the woods. Other than that, there's not that much to do.

"Don't know. I guess I'll either go into town or, take a walk in the woods. Maybe both." I shrugged. I took the last bite of my scrambled eggs and put in the sink. Mabel followed suit.

"Weeell the shop is going to be open today. I could have you help out a bit..." Soos said nudging me a bit.
I cringed a bit, "Sorry Soos, I rather not deal with people today. Especially people that are very gullible and are very impressed by blatant fake attractions."
"It's ok dude. I wasn't expecting to help with that," Soos chuckled. He ruffled my hair and went to put the rest of his suit on. Melody followed him to help out with the shop. I frowned as I fixed my hair.
"With that note I'm going out!" Mabel announced as she dashed out not before ruffling my hair up again. I huffed as fixed my hair once again. With that I went up to the attic and grabbed my hoodie. I slipped it on then I searched for my backpack. It contained multiple types of supplies that may be handy in emergencies. When I found it I placed it on my bed. I grabbed my journal slipping it in my backpack and zipping it up. I slipped on the backpack letting myself adjust to the added weight.

"Bill?" [A Billdip fanfic]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz