Chapter. 2

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Dipper's Pov

My eyes flew open. I flung my body up and was gasping for air. My hand was tightly around the clothes to my chest. My hair was in a curly unkept mess. I felt cold sweat dripping down from my face as well as some of my hair. I stayed there letting my lungs desperately try to breathe. As I was getting air my other hand shot up and rubbed my eyes. I rubbed them until I felt something wet at the corners of my eyes. Was I crying? Did that dream, no, nightmare created that much fear and stress?

A sigh escaped my lips as I regain my breathing. I looked over at my digital clock and saw the time. "11: 39 great," I thought. My sister will be bursting in my room any-


My door swung open revealing none other than my sister.

"Dipper get up! We're going to Gravity Falls today!" She said as she rushed to my bed. Taking my hand and yanking me from the sheets. I crashed on the floor, "Ow..."

"Ew why are your hands soo wet?" Mabel asked with disgust. I pulled myself off of the floor and rubbed my head. That's when she saw the state that I was in. She gapsed as she took in my unkempt hair. Sweat soaked clothes. Tear strucked face. With slight bags under my eyes.

"Dipper..." She breathed out. She took the back of her hand and touch my forhead. Then my cheeks. "You don't have a fever. Was it- Was it those... You know? Nightmares again?" She stammered out. It was tricky subject for her to talk about. Any time I have a nightmare, it always involved Bill. No matter if it was Weirdmageddon 2.0 or something similar. It always seemed to involve that piece of shit demon named Bill Cipher. We both were traumatized by him. I was the most affected one out of us. But that doesn't mean that Mabel doesn't worry about Bill. She never had serious nightmares about him but, just the mention of him can make her uncomfortable.

"Unfortunately yes, but it wasn't nothing too bad. I didn't loose barley any sleep from it!" I said trying to cheer my sister up. With acknowledging the good side of it. She relaxed a bit and made a weak smile.

"I guess that's good..."

I swiftly went to my closet picking out clothes for me to wear. "Well anyways what were saying? Something about us going to Gravity Falls?" I asked changing the subject. The mentioning of Gravity Falls seemed to snap her out of her gloom.

"Yes that's right! We're be leaving shortly so don't take your sweet time!" She exclaimed as she left my room.

I chuckled as I grabbed my clothes and headed towards the bathroom. I striped my soaked clothes from me and placed them on the ground. I turned on the water and let the warm water hit my body. All of the muscles that were tense melted with the flow of the water. I sighed while a small smile formed on my face. We'll be going back to Gravity Falls today. It's been a few years since we've visited. Me and Mabel have been dealing with College. It's summer break for us right now. Mom suggested going back to Gravity Falls over the break. She knew we missed our Grunkles and our friends over there. That's another thing that I'm excited about. I can see how much everybody changed. I already know how Candy and Grenda are doing since Mabel kept in touch with them. I kept in touch with Wendy and Pacifica but I haven't recently talked to them. Grunkle Stan and Ford tries to keep in touch but sometimes get caught up in their own adventures. The rest I haven't spoken to in years. They may send a small card either telling us happy birthday or some type of holiday. Other then that there's not that much happening.

I turned off the water when I was done showering. I quickly took a towel from the towel rack and used it to dry myself. Once I was completely dried I put on a plain red shirt on and washed out black jeans. I then blow dried my hair and brushed my teeth. After that I made sure my hair wasn't sticking up in any places and was covering up my birthmark.

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