I stared at him motionless not knowing how to respond. "No." Was all I could mutter out.

"That second set of veins is used to transport adrenaline. In a normal person's body, adrenaline passes through the blood vessels. However that adrenaline makes the body panic, makes them anxious, and resort to their instincts. But it also gives them the strength, the speed to get away from the danger. But when someone awakens their Soul powers, or what I assume is born with magic, that adrenaline is used for their powers. You might still feel anxious, or a bit panicky, but you will be able to use your powers. But you," he said pointing at me. "you don't have that set of veins. You only have the set for blood and yet you use magic. But that's not your only problem."

The man put the papers back into his folder and pulled out two other papers. These two papers were brain scans. The man pointed to one picture, I looked back and forth at the two pictures and couldn't tell the difference between the two brain scans. The man pointed to one of the brain scans.

"This one is yours," he pointed to the other one. "You might notice a difference, but your brain is actually a bit bigger than normal people." He picked up my brain scan and pointed to parts of the brain that I didn't know the function of. "Your frontal lobe, parietal lobe, and ventromedial prefrontal cortex are larger than normal, but your anterior insular cortex is smaller than everyone else." I stared at him with a confused look.

"Is that a good or a bad thing?" The man chuckled to himself and set down the brain scans.

"I keep forgetting you're a child. The parts of the brain I just mentioned are responsible for your senses and emotions. I don't know if having an abnormal-shaped brain is beneficial for a demigod." The man looked at the other brain scan. "I would have to say no though, the other demigod brain only had his parietal lobe be bigger than normal. But I don't think that's too important." The man took a quick glance at my confused face. "I don't think it's a bad thing anyway." The man answered remembering my question.

"I can't tell if what you're telling me is a good or bad thing, but are the results helping you in any way? This feels like a checkup." The man stared blankly at me, he put the brain scans in the folder and then pushed them away. A big smirk appeared on his face as he looked up at me.

"Other than your brain scans and your absence of a second set of veins you're normal. But," he said with a suddenly grim smirk. He paused for a second, a hard look appeared in his eyes. "I don't know if this is actually a bad thing for you in the future but for now it's actually a good thing." He took a deep breath. "After a fight, how fast do you usually recover?"

"If I sleep I heal every wound except lost limbs," I said nervously. The man closed his eyes and nodded.

"You have tumors constantly growing around your body. But they're being killed before they can form into anything life-threatening." He opened his eyes. "I'm positive that when you go to sleep your body uses those tumors to heal everything. This could help humanity if I found out how your body is able to do it." I raised my eyebrow and rubbed my arm nervously. I clenched my fist and unclenched it. It felt weird knowing what my body could do before I just accepted what happened without knowing why they happened. I always thought the boxes were healing me and I had my powers, but now I learn that I'm not supposed to have powers? My body didn't need any help from the boxes to heal myself?

I looked at him and stayed silent not knowing what to do with the information.

"Your body could help humanity if you handed your body over to me." He said with a demanding tone. My body immediately felt uneased at his words. I remembered back to the spider I fought. How disfigured it was.

"What do you mean by that?" I said ready to run. I flexed my thighs and laid my body weight on my prosthetic." His cold stare disappeared, and he let out a sigh.

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