Chapter 11: Survivors Remain

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After hearing the fact that Feizao can stop time for 10 seconds. Kaiju looked around to see if anyone was spying. No one was spying so he was relieved. Although they still weren't aware that a lot of survivors are still alive and half of them are humans.
'I'll let you meet my 2 friends I made. Everyone, meet Mochi and Blaxor. I helped their souls so they can fight back just in case." Feizao said.
"Hello..." Mochi would weakly say.
"H-Hi!" Blaxor would nervously say.
Everyone introduced themselves so they would know who they are.
"There's a crapton of survivors out there. We should each rescue one. If it's a human, DO NOT SAVE THEM. Understood?" Feizao said.
"Understood..." Kaiju would say.
Everyone was prepared to roam the facility with gear. With time running out, they scoured throughout the facility, finding dead bodies, and dead goos. Nightcrawler would then find a gootraxian stuck under the debris, along with Feizao's help.
"HELP!" The gootraxian would say.
"Don't worry I got you." Feizao bravely said.
Nightcrawler then finally removes the debris and looks at the gootraxian.
"Please state your name." Feizao said.
"S-S-Sprinklekit..." she'd say.
"Alright, another survivor, let's get you treated first." Nightcrawler would say.
Feizao and Nightcrawler helped Sprinklekit get her balance back up and started walking down the hallway back to the base.

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